Thursday, June 7, 2007


In what is a decidedly annoying development, Massmirror's wait time for links has now progressed from 15 seconds (annoying enough in itself, but not overwhelmingly so) to anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute. I would personally find this to be an intolerable situation if I were the one that had to download my links (not forgetting the few people who have already complained about Massmirror's links not opening alltogether on their browser), but as I don't, I will instead put the decision in your hands.
Massmirror and Sharebee's current competition, namely Xirror and Multiupload both had immediate problems on initial attempts from this mac (Xirror had the link page become inaccessable within minutes of it going up and Multiupload just didn't work alltogether), and anyone thats been here for a little while will remember that sharebee also doesn't work with Macs on their new beta "upgrade", so I will leave the choice between continuing with massmirror or reverting to rapidshare for my future posts in your hands. Just leave a one word comment on this post saying either massmirror or rapidshare and your vote will be cast. I'll leave it open for votes for 48 hours before proceeding with further posts, as I am genuinely at a loss regarding how to proceed. Let the voting begin...


  1. All I can say is that Massmirror atleast allows for me to have several downloads going within a reasonable amount of time whereas Rapidshare I usually have to wait atleast an hour between successive downloads since I haven't any paid Rapidshare accounts. My two cents.

  2. massmirror please. if you are not a premium user of rapidshare, you must often wait over an hour between downloads. oh, and thanks for this blog. it is beyond excellent. :)

  3. rapidshare


  4. massmirror.

    the wait's are better than getting locked out like with rapidshare.

  5. Rapidshare, please!

    And again, chapeau for the amazing work!

  6. Please continue with MassMirror!! I'd rather wait a minute instead of 2 hrs on Rapidshare!!

  7. massmirror...

    thanks for the music.

  8. Unless one has a Rapidshare account, it is almost impossible to keep up with posts from not only this blog, but many others also using RS. Massmirror, even with its incompatibility issues and ever growing wait times aside, is still a faster way for me to download multiple posts.

    I guess my vote is Massmirror.

    One caveat: Please keep it Mac friendly whatever you decide.

  9. rapidshare, but i'm happy to get anything, as you guys run the greatest mp3 blog on the web. thanks for everything!

  10. I would say Massmirror. The new 35 second wait is okay and it's not a big deal. If someone can't wait for 35 seconds without freaking out, they really need to learn how to calm down a bit.

    I would be willing to wait 5 minutes if I had to.

    And I agree with the others, if you are not a paid user of rapidshare, it's no fun because you have to wait an entire full hour to download some other rapid link. That's no fun.

    I say stick with Massmirror.

    Either way the Mutant Sounds blog will still rule and I love what you guys are doing!!!


  11. Massmirror, please. And whichever way you go, thanks for putting things up in the first place.

  12. not having a rs account i have to wait up to two hours!!! between d/ls -

    therefore: massmirror!

    (working on a mac - no problems so far!!)


  13. zshare or mirrorsharee please =D

  14. Massmirror, please. For it's small faults, it certainly allows those non-premium users among us to continue to follow your posts. It seems like sort of a backward step to put money (or super-long waits) between readers and music-- I don't think that is what MS is all about.

  15. massmirror, definitely.

  16. massmirror

    keep the good work up

  17. a minute on massmirror vs two hours on rapidshare - doesn't look like a difficult choice. also, many other blogs are using rapidshare, so - i vote for massmirror

  18. I've been using Sharebee, which seems to be down more than it is up. The Massmirror looks like it has some bugs, but I bet they'll work them out over time. In general, I think these multisite services are a good step forward. Keep up the good work.

  19. massmirror, mediafire, gigasize anything, please (i am not premium user and it is impossible to DL so much (great albums) without premium account

  20. i think massmirror is still the best choice. waiting time is necesary feature since its (MM) popularity grow very fast ... please try use it for while on... THANKS!

  21. rapidshare (everyone who complained about the 2 hours of waiting at rs: if you have an internet connection without stable IP address, you can just disconnect and connect again, and download from rs without any waiting time).

  22. Yes Sermo, I'm glad to know you've got a dynamic IP, but you're not alone in that world. So, please, stop the rapidshare slavery.

    My vote : Massmirror.

    And IMO, the best would be bittorent. We are enough for it around here.

  23. Massmirror is the best choise

    i rather wait one minute than 2 hours
    for the next download as with

  24. Rapidshare gets my vote. It's much faster...and I can DL as many new posts as possible concurrently with a paid account. Thanks for all the great sounds.

  25. rapidshare please

  26. massmirror pleeease.

  27. I can't wait even finish sentence coherent fast now please ADD here.

  28. Massmirror ThanX!

  29. Massmirror please (or equivalent).

    The wait time is annoying, but still more convenient than RapidShare. I simply open each massmirror link in a separate window/tab :-)


  30. massmirror. Thanks for your work...
    cheers rus

  31. massmirror

    thanks a million for sharing your knowledge and music

  32. massmirror please!!!!
    we can get several downloads
    with rapidshare we have to wait 2 hours between 2 downloads
    massmirror! massmiror! massmirror!
    please! please! please!!!
    thank you! thank you! thank you!!!

  33. Please continue with massmirror,


  34. Rapidshare!

    btw, how can I contact you if I have something you want??

    Mail me at mondo(at)commando-z(dot)com so I can give it to you.. ;)

  35. PLEASE stick with mass mirror or sharebee.
    It helps so much to not have to wait hours between each file, its very nice to have a choice.

    Why would anyone vote rapidshare anyway, Massmirror/Sharebee still allows you to use it.

    thank you.

  36. Massmirror please

  37. RAPIDSHARE. please.

    I think (most) people are missing the larger picture here, which is this:

    1) Up until a few days ago, MassMirror had no waits, no counters

    2) Next, they added a 15 second counter

    3) Following that, they now use 30-60 second counters

    The big question is: What are they going to do next, to get in the way of downloading?

    At least Rapidshare is predictable.

  38. Massmirror seems to be the most reasonable choice: the point is already made that massmirror allows for rapidshare anyway (albeit with a 30-60-??(??)second wait... i guess if it becomes too long a wait the options could at that time be reconsidered...)

  39. rapidshare

    yeah, I'm premium, but I downloaded weeks worth of MS posts in a day or two.............and it cost me.....$5


  40. Massmirror please


    Rick K

  41. Rapidshare. Pay a couple bucks for a premium account, and you can download music all you want - HASSLE FREE. Don't be so cheap people!

  42. Massmirror. Rapidshare's long wait times suck hard.

  43. i would personally favour rapidshare, thanx for asking and for so much more

  44. Massmirror, for the same reasons as everyone else; to wait a minute (massmirror) or to wait an hour (rapidshare). Given the amount of mutant shares every day, it's got to be massmirror.

    (Also thanks to both of you for all the fantastic shares)

  45. Massmirror please!!

  46. massmirror. 1 minute for the link to go live is better than waiting 90 minutes between rapishare DLs.

    if I can make an alternate suggestion:

    use mediafire!

    no waits between DLs, no waits for the DL to start. I use them for my own blog and so far I find it better than any other service out there.

  47. massmirror.

    and thanks for everything

  48. massmirror, please!

    waiting a few minutes for a couple of albums is a lot better than waiting two hours with rapidshare.

  49. I'd like to cast an anti-vote for Rapidshare, if possible. Anything but just it.

    Some of the other sites Massmirror, Sharebee, etc. make available have far quicker download times in my area than Rapidshare. Megaupload and Badongo in particular are sometimes 10 times as fast. That makes a more immediate difference than the wait for further downloads.

    Plus, Rapidshare sometimes makes me wait for links as well as for further downloads, and sometimes more than a minute. But because of the download speed, I'm not sure it would even be superior if I had a paid account.

  50. Massmirror.of course!

  51. Rapidshare (by a mile)

  52. Whatever's easiest for you. Waiting a whole minute to garner an opportunity to listen to an impossible-to-find, highly-coveted, obscure recording is REALLY not a bad trade-off.

    Much thx for all you've already done,

  53. Massmirror is definately better than Rapidshare.

  54. As long as it is Mac-friendly and still allows me to choose rapidshare as my download spot of choice (I paid the measly $9 US for a month's account), Mass-mirror should be fine. Every hosting site is sure to switch to fully paid at some point, unfortunately.
    (by the way, I just tried to dl a file from mass mirror, and the wait time was one full minute. It was 32 seconds yesterday. oh well...)

  55. MASSMIRROR!!!!!!

  56. Do you really have to ask this? Are you really confused as to which host provides the best options?? REALLY??


    It's about convenience, yes, but COMMON SENSE too!

  57. Rapidshare - because I already paid - if you subscribe it is DAMN fast. 30 Euros for 6 months?? worth it.

  58. MassMirror, ShareBee...anything but RapidShare.

    Unless you plan to cut down on the amount of posts per day, which I think you should do anyway. This is some really good, important music you're putting up here, and 10-12 individual posts per day is just overkill. NO ONE has the time to download and truly appreciate it all.

  59. Massmirror!

    I was hoping that Mutant Sounds would start using MassMirror as well. Rapidshare impose waiting times of 1 hour in between downloads by tracking your Ip address.

    I agree that anyhting but Rapidshare would be the best choice.

    Thanks, Kevin

  60. once again I must endorse Mediafire.

    it may not always remain free, but for now it is. NO wait times for DLs to start. NO wait times between DLs. no upload limits as far as I can tell. speeds are faster than the free Rapidshare DLs, and equally as fast as the other services Massmirror links to...

    I also agree with the person who said it would be nice if you sut down the number of posts per day. a lot of great stuff to hear from you folks, but at the rate you post it I can't possibly keep up with it all ;)

  61. I vote massmirror as I don't have a rapidshare account nor do I have the extra money to afford it. The nice thing about rapidshare is the two hour wait time between getting files allows me to digest what I've downloaded, HOWEVER, with the two hour wait time I always miss about 90% of every days posts, and I'd much prefer to be able to grab everything while it's available and spend the rest of my life digesting the music!

  62. MassMirror. After all it gives you the option to use Rapidshare, if you want to.

  63. massmirror please, and thank you, politely

  64. If you are serious about collecting, you will eventually have to get a premium account,no matter how you look at it...

    I used to have a seething HATRED for rapidshare when I was not a premium member because I had to wait so long between downloads, fearing a blog would shut down before I could learn all itsinformation.
    Then one day in my anger, I sat down and thought to myself the pro's and con's.

    The reality is the measly 10-20 dollars you spend on rapidshare pays for itself with the information you get on the blogs.
    The problem for me was I did not have a credit card, and you HAVE to have a credit card to get premium accounts with most vendors.
    This was until I found out about PREPAID credit cards. Go to any modern bank, check cashing place, etc, and they can issue prepaid credit cards. Put 50 dollars on that baby and let it rip.
    The other benefit to premium accounts is that the uploads stay MUCH longer, so you dont have to fear losing your links, unless a bunch of people flag a blog i figure.
    And premium accounts are just simply faster, and you can queue far more things at a time.
    Currently rapidshare is the most popular, and will most likely invest more into the company product/bandwidth as they gain more users.

    my 2 cents

  65. rapidshare

    quite frankly I'm surprised at the number of people that seem to be against it.

    it's cheap and in my mind worth paying to avoid the hassle of jumping through hoops, entering codes, waiting for countdowns and crap is well worth it. There may be the perception that you're getting something 'free' but christ, what is your time worth??

  66. I vote for massmirror or even sharebee over relying solely on a single server (especially if that server isw rapidshare).

  67. Since my window closed prematurely I'll send this comment again. I vote for massmirror or even sharbee over relying on a single server to host files (especially if that server is rapidshare who are all too willing to remove your files at the drop of an email).

  68. To those who copmlain that people who don't like rapidshare are simly too cheap, I must say I have no problem paying for music but I do have a problem with (1) rapidshare making money off of the work bloggers are doing for free, especially when (2) they act like they have no responsibility to the people who post files on their server & will glady remove all your files if someone complains (no matter who they are or what they are complaining about).

  69. l.b. - my sentiments exactly!!!
    RAPIDSHARE is the way to go

  70. First, the blog is phenomenal. I've said it before, but have to say it again.

    I have had some problems and had to do some fooling with MassMirror, but have to vote for it over Rapidshare, which is just annoying - the wait between downloads and, as another writer commented, not being able to load more than one item at a time. At the rate you guys post interesting music, it would take about the rest of my life to download it all on Rapidshare.

  71. Rapidshare for me, peops.
    And indeed, me too I have a premium account. But hey, getting all those marvels a whole month long here at just the price for one CD.. Anytime!


  72. massmirror please.

    thanks for your astounding work. you are appreciated and loved.

  73. free vs. not free

    hmm. I'll take massmirror any day.

  74. Massmirror, yes.

  75. massmirror

    rapidshare is mafia shit, third world people like me just can't pay what some call the "extremely reasonable" price of rapidshare

    please, think of everyone, of course people with rapidshare accounts will protest but please, some will make a small/medium-small sacrifice so thousands rejoice

  76. You can't play, or you can Massmirror.

    We Talk like if we beleive in another Server or something like that.
    please, notice that with massmirror we are happy and everybody will be happy.

    you must choose, or you can get incested with another server.

  77. Massmirror
    I thought I was going to have to buy a Premium Rapidshare account, but I somehow still managed to hit my 21 gigabyte download limit last month within 20 days.

    So then I thought I'd need to change my Internet plan for a bigger download limit.

    But I’ve come to realise that my real problem is for how many months can I download 21 gig of music and still expect to listen to it in my lifetime? Somewhere around 20, I think. Death is my download limit.

    Massmirror will at least stop me from setting the alarm for 3:30 in the morning to download a Rapidshare file.

  78. massmirror (of curse)

  79. Rapidshare!

    Man, a premium Rapidshare account is *dirt* cheap. The amount of amazing material on this blog alone makes the decision for me to keep a premium Rapidshare account easy!

  80. 1 vote for massmirror

  81. MASSMIRROR, PLEASE but Sharebee is also OK to me. Massmirror is better cause gives more options to make the download.

    Anyway, THANKS VERY MUCH for all the "music lessons" you've been teaching. Greetings from Brazil.

  82. I would bet that the only folks voting for Rapidshare are those who paid for it. It doesn't really matter how much it costs, using a service that requires people to pay in order to have the same functionality of a free site doesn't make sense to me. Going with Rapidshare seems to make this blog like so many others: just another shill for the Rapidshare AG (means Aktiengesellschaft, or incorporated) business. Hey, I'm pro-commerce, and can certainly afford it, but let's understand that this does promote inequality and let's please leave business out of blogging. It's about quality content and sharing, not catering to a subset of your readers who can hoard faster than others.
    Oh, a (potentially bad?) analogy just struck me: what if blogger charged the bloggers a fee? How many fewer blogs would there be? Without writing more of a book, there are probably similarities to be drawn...
    Or maybe I'm all wet and the ends justify the means.
    Massmirror or just about any other site, please.
    (and I won't write Massmirror twenty times in a row to inflate the count :-)

  83. I don't know why but the vote I casted last night has not been posted.
    Masmirror is definitely the way to go.
    Massmirror offers Rapidshare as a download option too so I don't understand why the pro-Rapidshare people are againts it.

    It seems to me that the people who are paying for a premium Rapidshare account are bitter and are trying everything possible to prevent others from downloading your music for free.Based on the comments posted,the only people supporting Rapidshare are the ones with a premium account.
    I hope you'll make the right decision.

  84. So many cheap-ass leeches... Rapidshare, of course!

  85. Massmirror for sure! Why pay this place rapidshare for the music, if we are sharing music, then why pay them for anything.

    Massmirror is working well too, you who still want to use rapidshare can still use it with Massmirror anyway.

    Keep Massmirror and thanks for all the great music here too.

  86. Rapidshare es mas fina.Mas mirror esta bull caca.Mas o menos

  87. M A S S M I R R O R
    John Pihre

  88. Massmirror = RS + many others, so..
    ..'nuff said!


  89. go with

    very effective!

  90. massmirror, please!!!!

    thank you for he blog

  91. rapidshare. It's better, safer and faster.

  92. I've been having a bit of trouble with massmirror's waiting time. Is there a way around that?

    I am a rapidshare subscriber so that'd work for me. though the drawback with that and I thought the reason people had switched over to using Sharebee and massmirror was the deletion of files from rapidshare.

    It has been pointed out that rapidshare does figure on massmiror but I keep getting the minute countdown before I make the choice. Don't want to be selfish though.

  93. rapidmassharemegamirrorbeeload
