Thursday, April 12, 2007

ALTAIS-S/T, 12" EP, 1986, FRANCE

Man...isn't 1986 a bit late for a zeuhl classic? Well, someone forgot to tell this French crew that their sound was yesterday's news, as this is some spectacularly heavy and thunderous shite at hand here, folks. Sort of an Eider Stellaire meets Pseu thing going on here for those who know what that means. For those that don't, you'll find both elsewhere on the blog, all three of 'em flying in the face of the perceived wisdom that the 80's were a desert for worthwhile prog music.

***************NEW LINK POSTED SEPTEMBER 2012***************

Get it here  


  1. Thank you VERY much for this upload!

  2. many thanx for that one. more ZEUHL rarities please!!!


  3. Where are the sound files? I downloaded this folder and it's got the pictures of the covers but no mp3s. I was wondering why the zip file was only 26 mbs.

  4. Magnificent!!!!
    Please could U upload Strave and/or
    Speed Limit (zeuhl too)

  5. Andrew-You're mistaken. I just downloaded it to check and the file includes the two jpegs and the three MP3's. File size is small because, as the title specifies, this is an 12" EP.

  6. Eric, thanks for the comment. I downloaded it again and again, no mp3 files. Instead there are two folders, the jpgs and a bunch of files that I can't even unzip (one called Macosx which is no good to me anyway and the other just called Atlais) because the computer wont recognize them. In the folders are these files called .DS_store which mean nothing to me, but they're not mp3s as far as I can see. No mp3 files at all. I've downloaded loads of stuff from this blog and have not had this problem before.

    I'm very happy to be proven wrong here. If anyone can, please tell me where my error is.

  7. There's an "Altais" folder and in that folder there's another one called "s:t 12'' EP". In that one are the three mp3's.
    Try downloading again, or on another system.
    Use 7-zip to extract if winrar or winzip don't work for you.

    All the best,

  8. Andrew-When I re-downloaded it to check after your initial comments, I found the downloaded file to be precisely as I expected: a file titled Altais inside of which were the 3 MP3's. Others commenting on this title seem able to access it, so I dunno. Have you tried 7-zip to unzip, as recommended on numerous other comments on this site? Might be the answer.
    Anyone else in PC land having this problem?

  9. Eric, thanks again for your help. Tried 7-zip, didn't work. Said a bunch of files could not be opened. I realise others can open it so I'm assuming there's a problem with my system, although this is the first time I've had this problem from anything from this blog.

    Anyway, too bad.

  10. Too bad i cant find files too :-(

  11. Andrew and Supepoulet, I had the same problem. But I use WinRAR, I open the folder (not MACOS, because this is Windows (?)) I noticed that when I doubleckick the file, my Windows Media Player starts to play it. But when I Unzip it all, the mp3s do not appear. So, when I played them with media player, I clicked the right side of the mouse and chose "open file's folder" (or something like that (actually it says it in Finnish)) So it goes to some folder "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\Rar$DI27.641" Then i just copy the file to somewhere else. But when I browse those \Temp folders, I find only the song that's currently on player.

    So I solved this and spoke too much. PS this band should be added on ProgArchives, maybe I'll try to do it.

  12. could you upload this one again please? i kinda lost that file and tried to upload it again and there is no mp3 files on it anymore.
    would be awesome!

  13. Many many thanks for this upload !!! I discovered this EP some 20 years ago at a friend's and copied it to tape. Some time later, I lent it to another friend and the motherbleeper lost it. Of course, in the meantime I lost contact with my 1st friend... So for many years I thought I would never get the chance to listen to it again... until now ! So you are now officially my one and only God !!! And by the way, it's never too late for good music. I have just one thing to ask : could you please post uninclined pictures of the cover ? That would be fantastic !

    @HLAVA : Just do as Roni said, it works just fine...

  14. i did and it worked well. thanks. today i bought a mint copy for 15 bucks. what a great day! thanks mutant!!!
