Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hajime Tachibana-Mr. Techie & Miss Kipple,LP,1984,Japan

Born in Tokyo in 1951. Musician and graphic designer. Formed the pop music group Plastics in 1975. Released albums "H", "Hm", "Bambi" and more. Solo exhibitions include "Application Tour" and more. Produced the i-mode official site "Artist channel The END" in 2000, many artists from the world joined the site. Past awards include Tokyo ADC Grand Prize in 1991, Tokyo TDC Interactive Design Prize in 2003 with the 2003 official mobile web site "The END" and Ars Electoronica 2004 with a collaboration with Tatsuo Miyajima "1000 Deathclock in Paris".

More Japanese wierdness by this ex-Plastics member.Stretched out mutant pop music sometimes similar to Ralph records stuff.

get it here


  1. Thank you, Oh god, thank you.
    I would love to see more of this guy.

  2. me too! specifically his BEAUTY AND HAPPY lp on the midi label from 1987; this thing is super tough to get a hold of.

    anyone have this?

  3. ^ Do you have Soulseek? Would be happy to share my copy. Username is "god".

  4. i eventually got a hold of a copy. thanks for the offer, though.
