Monday, April 16, 2007


Due to matters of Mutant Sounds blog ethics some old posts had to be removed.Hope you understand....don't worry lots of new great and possibly unreleased stuff is on the way to be posted.
Jim Mutantsounds


  1. and which are Mutant Sounds blog ethics ?

  2. I think you are clever enough to understand if you see which posts are deleted

  3. well i can not understand which posts... 'cause i can't follow the blog with the updates it has. More infos? it is good for all of us to know the ethics...

  4. Blog ethics has nothing to do with blog visitors,but mostly with our (mine and Eric's) relations with some artists,such as NWW,Bomis Predin,La STPO, and others.So i think anyone understands now...

  5. I thank you! and I make a request for you to slow down to 2 new items per day.

  6. Sticking to Out of Print titles is a good idea too.. it does take a bit of extra research and it would slow you down.

    2 cents,

  7. I thank you! and I make a request for you to slow down to 2 new items per day.

    Are you insane, Anon? If you can't download more than 2 new items per day, then buy a Rapidshare premium account!

    It's improper to suggest that everyone else slow down just because you can't keep up.


  8. Over the Moon said...

    Are you insane, Anon? If you can't download more than 2 new items per day, then buy a Rapidshare premium account!

    It's improper to suggest that everyone else slow down just because you can't keep up..

    Maybe because I want to actually listen to and absorb what I download. A couple of new albums a day is a fair pace. There was a time not too long ago that if you got a couple new albums a month, you were still gathering new music at a nice clip.

    The question is: do people just want to horde, or do they want to give the music the time it deserves? I can download 20 albums a day from various blogs, but doesn't that seem silly? Isn't it about actually listening to the music?

    It has nothing to do with the ability to gain access and download from Rapidshare. Clicking a couple tabs every hour isn't a problem.

  9. haha .. at first i thought you were mr. stapleton himself - i wondered who else could have such a massive collection of music?
    but i bet once i'm into my 30's i'll be drowning in it too. and don't slow down, either. now that i found your blog i seldom visit the others.

  10. Steven Stapleton wouldn't give you used toilet paper for free.
