Saturday, April 21, 2007

Ruth White-Flowers of Evil (1969)+Seven Trumps From The Tarot Card And Pinions(1968),LPs,USA

Avant garde electronics from unacknowledged, self-taught synth pioneer. The first LP is an occult-electronic impression of the Tarot deck. "Flowers Of Evil" contains readings from the poetry of Charles Baudelaire with electronically treated vocals, tape-collages, spooky synth drones, and dissonant electronic backdrops.
as requested!
 ***************NEW LINK POSTED SEPTEMBER 2012***************
get Flowers of evil here  
get Seven Trumps From The Tarot Card And Pinions here


  1. For quite a while I've searched in vain for any Ruth White, and here you post two of her obscure offerings! So Cool! I hope you might consider refreshing or re-uploading the second side of 'Flowers of Evil' as the 2nd track comes out "broken" at :31 seconds. In any case, Thank You!

  2. Oops! Sorry about the previous complaint on track 2 from 'Flowers'.
    I tried a different host server and everything works fine. False alarm. Thanks again!

  3. Thanks, man.

    These are pretty nightmarish. Just the way I like it...

  4. Truly remarkable blog.
    I'd been digging here since a week ago.
    All your posts and those from your contributors are outstanding.
    Many thanks.

    ps. a few days ago i got the swedish "BLAGO-BUNG", i'm wondering if by chance will be more of them soon.

    best regards.

  5. Wow I had no idea you'd posted this so long ago. I just bought this in cdr format yesterday from Weirdo Records, Brutal Sound Fx has re-released it (probably unofficially) in some great homemade Rubber 0 Cement/Caroliner Rainbow style packaging.

  6. Wow. I stumbled across Ruth White's album "Short Circuits" and I absolutely adore it. I've been searching for other works by her and it's extremely difficult to find them. I found them here! Thank you very much!

    I've linked to this blog from mine, and I'm sure I'll be coming back.


  7. I read your Blog Ruth White-Flowers of Evil (1969)+Seven Trumps From The Tarot Card And Pinions(1968),LPs,USA. It's really interesting and quite informative for readers.

  8. A web page dedicated to Mrs. whites surprising career can be found

  9. Hi, all the sharebee links for 7 Trumps do not work and when I go to rapidshare it says "ERROR: File not found. (e029a7af)". I would be so grateful if you could re-upload it. Thank you + all the best.

  10. Hello ! In your entry did you base on any studies or here are solely your private ideas? Can't wait to see your answer.

  11. Hello,

    Thanks for the upload. The new link, though, goes to Ruth - "Polaroid/Roman/Photo", not Ruth White's "Flowers of Evil".

  12. Yee-gads! Please ignore my previous post. I had a zip file of the Ruth album in the same directory the Flowers of Evil album downloaded into.

    Sorry about that.

  13. ruth white's "short circuits" can sometimes be found on ebay.
