Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Yes, this is the Visitors that features legendary French madman producer/composer Jean-Pierre Massiera (Horrific Child, Les Maledictus Sound, Les Chats Renaissance etc), but it's not their legendary experimental progressive magnum opus from the early 70's. No, this is the little known (but mysteriously reviled by most of those who do) second self titled Visitors album from some 10+ years later. Evidently, the individuals who've given this one a bum rap are humor impaired. Or at least they fail to realize that there IS such a thing as good cheese. And this album is grade A fromage. The Visitors of this incarnation practice what those in my circle refer to as Dr. Who rock, a charmingly ridiculous, mannered form of space rock that seems to start with Quark, Strangeness And Charm-era Hawkwind and continues on through Nash The Slash, the Daevid Allen of Dividedalienplaybax80, The Cardiacs, Poisoned Electrick Head and, most certainly here on this latter day Visitors. Yes, there ARE some howlingly bad bits on here, but to these ears, more than half of this is top notch craziness and I continue to get a stupid amount of pleasure from it.

Get it Here


  1. Brilliant writeup vdoandsound, and thank you for the music!


  2. I love Massiera. He is also the man behind some more disco formations like Venus Gang, Herman's Rocket, Hercule and many others.

  3. i love this. love it, love it, love it.

    in fact, i'd enjoy seeing other similar things here on mutantsounds, as i can never find any decent blogs covering groovy space rock or even space disco / rare italo-disco, etc.

  4. a Visitors video!
