Monday, February 19, 2007

Patrick Gibson/A Cloakroom Assembly-Too seperate/Tom Tom Tom,split Tape,1981 ,Australia,M Squared music

A great and very rare tape release of Mr. Systematics himself,and another synth group of the same scene.Excelent synth/experimental stuff!
get it here


  1. hi Mutantsounds

    Thanks for so many amazing sounds.

    This one came out on M Squared, not
    on Terse.


  2. hi, really like all the patrick gibson related posts...incredible blog besides... if there's any chance you could re-up this tape that would be massively seems to be either down or rapidshare muddying things...might be worth trying megaupload or zshare or something...anyhow thanks loads and if there's ever any more info / sounds on two-prod in particular you have access to, it would be great to find out more...can't seem to find anything out about two-prod other than what's on mutant sounds...take care...all the best

  3. mdsgcg--->link seem to work on rapidshare

  4. hi, thanks so much for replying...honestly try getting this to download from rapidshare...have made over 12 attmepts now on 12 different days and at different really doesn't seem to go through...have managed to get many from your blog without a single hitch...but this one seems to be broken; any ideas more than appreciated welcome...p.s. have you seen the patrick gibson stuff on

  5. Hello

    I thought you and your readers might care to know about this.

    terrace industry
    M SQUARED BOX 1980 – 1983
    ANCD 036
