Friday, March 30, 2007

B People- Petrified Conditions 1979-1981 ,LP,1986.USA

B-People were Alex Gibson's punkwave band when he was mostly famous (and greatly envied) for being Penelope Houston's boyfriend, along with Pat Delaney (Deadbeats, Geza X, Romans) and Tom Recchion from a zillion LAFMS projects [the Los Angeles Free Music Society*]. A peripatetic figure on the Los Angeles post-punk scene, Alex Gibson first appeared around 1978 as the lead guitarist and songwriter of an unrecorded at the time local band called the Little Cripples. When that band's singer, Michael Gira, split for New York to form Circus Mort and, eventually, Swans, the remaining bandmembers regrouped, with Gibson now on lead vocals, and formed B People. (A few of those early Little Cripples songs showed up, reworked, on B People's posthumous career summation, 1986's Petrified Conditions 1979-1981.) B People only managed one EP, a self-titled release on Miles Copeland's Faulty Products label, before splitting up in 1981. Not a very rare record but a great and very omportant gem!
get it here



  2. great information -most excellent!!! many thanks. hoping for Alex Gibson Passionnel 'P Spell' perhaps sometime soon

  3. BACK in the day, the self titled B-People EP and Tuxedo Moon "1/2 Mute" were a potent mix of sonic beauty for this impressionable listener. And after that it was all downhill ;-) Which explains how I got *here*.

  4. 15 seconds into the song"O HATE PUNKS" the record skips ,just thought you should know

  5. Bless your heart. This is a gem! I remember them from the Let Them Eat Jellybeans comp from 1981

  6. ThankS!!! Supercool! Yay nervous music!

  7. Please re-post, the link is dead

  8. Can you please repost this?
