Thursday, March 22, 2007


Following the posts of their 2nd and 3rd LPs ,here's the first one.Here's a review:
The ancient fathers of post-rock? The least skillful prog band ever? The answer is somewhere in between: Wapassou show, through atonal and obsessive symphonies like Rien or the heartfelt noir crescendo Chatiment that there is no clear mark between depressive madness, cold fever and music. Even in a world of green giant gorgos, like the long final suite (?) Trip which sure stays up to its title of titlation.
get it here


  1. hi mutant and friends, still amaze us with great stuff ... id like to make a request : you post the selftitled lp from Catharsis ... if its possible to post some others (like 1.32 Mars, 2.Le bolero du veau des dames, 3.Les Chevrons, 4.Rimbaud C'est Toi, 5.Illuminations) by them it will be great ... thanks a lot, a friend from Greece...

  2. soooo , i`m guessing those first two tracks are "bonus tracks " from a CD RE ?, .... as they are not on the LP , AND the sound of them is much 'heavier'.

    Was it an early 45 rpm ?

    ~V. Dorje

  3. Is there any chance that anyone here would know if this record was re-released and if so where to purchase it?
