Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Feine Trinkers Bei Pinkels Daheim - Froschdosis ,7",1996,Germany

Rising from the very south-west of germ-money, this obscure duo was created in 1990: driven to find new possibilities of expression and creation of sounds. Their strange name may lead to uneasy misunderstandings -> for the 'feine trinkers' it is symbolic for exploring new paths in musical creation, rather than remaining on the old. Their first vinyl (3 tracks) afterhaving released some full-length-tapes, consists of atmosphericsoundscapes mixed up with strange effects and samples, sometimes noisy, sometimes subtle, but always changing and challenging.the music is full of energy but never looses the sensibility for concentrated listening. (by the way, it's not really possibleto translate the group-name into english, but they are always delighted when somebody tries it!)
get it here


  1. ha, this is one of the great drone records 7" (I'm proud to have my own drone records 7" release -> #41 ;-))
    Feine Trinker are still active and they play live at the moment.
    In english the name means something like "gentle alcoholics at dandys home" or so - it's not really to translate because it's a scrambled german proverb. (hope you understand my english ;-)
    best - m.

  2. die feinen trinkers bei pinkels daheim = pleasant drinkers that pissing at home
