Utterly spastic and enjoyably ridiculous two track Neue Deutche Welle minimal synth cassingle, though perhaps synth punk is a better descriptor for WLL's variety of atonal flailing and bleep-beeping, the addition of sax on the B-side dragging the proceedings into a no wave-ish clusterfuck.
***************NEW LINK POSTED SEPTEMBER 2012***************
Get it
i downloaded this thing twice and could never unzip it. Anybody else have similar problems?
Same trouble here. Why post it, if nobody can listen to it.
no problem with 7-zip.
s. & Toni-please see the comments on the Lallagua Viga tape posted below. 7-Zip appears to work for all Windows users who, for reasons completely mysterious to me, have had problems opening the zipped files I've created on my Mac. Hope that helps.