Saturday, May 12, 2007


Wildly idiosyncratic and prone to creep up on you and knock you sideways with a subtly deranged tangent when you're least expecting it, this utterly superb (and equally unknown) unit have a distinctly Slapp Happy and Raincoats edge to their sound, without ever necessarily sounding precisely like either of 'em, though anyone swept off their feet by the wily charms of the aforementioned artists owes it to themselves to explore Care Of The Cow's winsomely weird little universe posthaste.

Get it Here


  1. Chaming Hostess would make an apt comparison, it seems.

    are there any online resources about these guys?  Google is of not much help.

    (and thanks!)

  2. michael-hadn't really thought of it in those terms before, but I can see what you're saying. As for info/resources, I haven't the foggiest. It's a complete mystery record. Quite a scary/baffling band image as well to complete it's what-the-fuck? appeal :-)

  3. found some leads: the singers' names are Christine
    Baczewska and Sher Doruff.

    both are googleable and seem to have some solo stuff out. :)

  4. I found this blog entry mentioning a chap named Victor, and how he is gigging with this girl.

  5. The Victor I mentioned = Victor Sanders. At the moment he is in Argentina celebrating the birth of a grandchild. When he gets back, he just might drop by this blog and offer some history, if you wish..

    b.t.w. - IF you goto Ilsabe's MySpace page, the track Abel to my Cain features Victor. Good to see some folks still moving onward.

  6. Greetings, Earthlings--
    Christine (Xtine) Baczewska here, cofounder and vocalist for Care of the Cow. Obscure though we are, we are still going somewhat strong despite residing in Manhattan, Amsterdam, and Chicago.

    We have 2 new recorded pieces (2004 and 2005--that's pretty new considering our paleolithic time frame) and if Victor (Victor Sanders, cofounder, guitarist, now recording engineer) would master them (hint hint--perhaps a little public humiliation will speed the process along--see what I mean, paleolithic) our friends and very loyal and patient listeners could hear our new work.

    Recently Sher (Sher Doruff, cofounder, vocalist, multi-instrumentalist) sent me an e-bay link that showed 'i still don't know your style' with an initial bid of $35. Yikes. I have a box pf them in cold storage (my refrigerator).

    It's exhilarating that there's still an interest in the work we did oh-so-many-years ago.

    I will endeavor to put together a capsule history of the band, and collect everyone's latest urls or e's.

  7. and I have some live care of the cow from a picnic in chicago 7/11/82. technical difficulties at the start but certainly a noisier affair than the lp. always loved this band and chritine's solo cd, tribe of one.

  8. Hey Ms. Baczewska any chance you could reissue these wonderful cassette works of yours?

  9. Christine? Sher? Victor? It's me ... Native Mom ... Susan! I'm staggering ... just wrote an old friend about old times. COTC was mentioned and I decided, once again, to google you.

  10. I saw a Care of the Cow concert at Charlotte's Web in Rockford, Illinois in the summer of 1976. I bought a COTC Philosophy of Life Grey T-Shirt! Unfortunately I wore it too much and had to let it go. Loved the concert! Glad to hear you're still practicing your craft!

  11. Wow, an old friend just posted a link to this on facebook. In 1975 I was 16 years old and went with my folks and a friend to Charlotte's Web (a bar in an old synagogue in Rockford Illinois). It was Care of the Cow and Jim Post, if I remember right. The next week we went back and saw Steve Goodman (again with COTC if I remember right). Though Charlotte's Web was a bar my friend and I (and then other friends) kept being allowed back in every weekend (so long as we did not drink), and COTC played a number of the gigs we went to. I recall Victor playing his guitar behind his head a la Hendricks, mixed with odd folky stuff and much more.

    That bar made a boring town interesting, and COTC were a large part of that.

    So here we are 33 years later and I see a web reference. Pretty cool. I'll have to see about getting the record!

  12. oldguardreindeer-lockergnome@yahoo.comApril 6, 2011 at 10:14 AM

    1974? 1975? Saw COTC at a college music showcase in Chicago along with dozens of other musicians/groups all sort of auditioning to appear at regional/Midwest colleges and universities on the circuit. I was roadie for friend "Plumber's Delight" and was knocked over by COTC: seeds in a jar and trippy. Bought an album but lost track of it decades ago.

    I'm very interested in hearing the music again. Please?

  13. Hi there COTC-
    I used to see you perform often and loved your work. I think you were fantastic and far too unrecognized for your formidable talents. I am glad to find you here on the WEB and that you have been working together all this time. I am totally interested in getting ahold of some of your music. Let me know what you are up to and where I can get a copy of anything you have recorded. I am living in Wisconsin now, but if you are in Chicago and ever performing there, I would love to see you. Loved your work then and still do- Mariann

  14. any chance of a re-up on this? so intriguing!

  15. Saw COTC at Juicy John Pink's in DeKalb... maybe '75? Had a cassette of that show that I got from the soundman, alas, long since destroyed in a fire. One of my favorite rare music memories... would love to find ANY available recordings of the band!
