Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Despite the comments that I made recently to the contrary in one of the comment boards, I've decided to stick with my manner of photographing records/CD's/tapes at an angle. Why? Because after several hours of trying umpteen different lighting and angle set-ups, none of the pictures that resulted from taking photos without the flash function activated looked half as sharp and detailed as those taken with the flash on, and if the flash is on, I need to angle the record/CD/tape to avoid glare. Sorry if this leaves a few of you less than thrilled.


  1. The photos of the albums are perfectly fine. Those of us who want them different can adjust them ourselves.

    Its the least we can do, seeing how you spend endless hours getting this music to us we would most likely never encounter otherwise.

    Thank you for the great blog, posts, and provided datas about the music...

  2. Hey vdoandsound, anyone who would complain about your cover art photos would have to be a churl (look it up, complainers), given the absolute rarity of the recordings you so kindly give of your time and energy to post.

    Me, I think the photos are cool. I like seeing the dimensionality of the LP covers.

    Thanks as always for supporting what is in my humble opinion one of the single most valuable sharity blogs in the blogosphere.

    Long live the mighty Mutant!


  3. I'm just happy to have a pic at all. Keep up the herculian effort!

  4. Photos make no difference to me, but I really wish you guys would go back to using Sharebee for your uploads.

  5. I like the photos because it brings to life their vinyl-ness rather pretending to be a perfect flat copy of the art

  6. Anonymous-I really wish sharebee worked. They've been wholly dysfunctional for a week or so now. I can't vouch for windows users, but for this mac user,
    I get the same message every time I try to upload through sharebee: "There was no file uploaded. Click here to try again". When they've gotten their shit together again, I'll switch back.

  7. Mutant Sounds=killer

  8. how can I contact the person who runs this page? I cant find their email address antwhere????

  9. Better to see the covers as things rather than mug-shots of the cover as an image. For me it reinforces that the source is cardboard, paper and vinyl and not a lump of data...
    and as ever thanks for making Mutant Sounds.

  10. The pics are just fine. The music is the primary reason to visit this most primo of blogs. Thanks for the time and effort you put into this.

  11. I don´t care about photos in ankles too, as long as the musics good.
    But your flashlight is still visible and the pictures are somewhat bent. A little hint: I take photos of my LP-Covers with a cheap digital camera mounted to a equally cheap tripod (camera-stand?), the covers lying on the floor. I then shut off the flash and use the autotimer (self-trigger?). I get perfectly sharp photos without any artefacts.

  12. ghostdog...you can contact me from here...or top right corner of page,mutantsounds or vdoandsound links...you will find our e-mail adresses by clicking our name links

  13. you blog is great and who cares how you do the cover shots. But if you care, use a scanner. I have a cheap one at home and that's how I do the cassette covers on my blog.


  14. I can't believe anyone is complaining about anything here.. insane

    Keep up the great work, this blog is a gift to humanity, THANK YOU

  15. INSANE that there are people complaining about anything here

    I only wish to say THANK YOU!

  16. dude- do whatever you want. any way you like is awesome.

  17. It only takes me five minutes in Photoshop to adjust the angled image and make the LP square. If the complainants are that bothered they should work out how to sort it themselves

  18. dear VDO -- one other thing about the photos... THANK YOU for including them in the compressed files you upload. it's a nice touch, and the few minutes that otherwise would have been spent separately saving the images can be devoted to the vain attempt to catch up on listening to all the amazing, unheard music you have posted.


  19. hey
    this blog is greatest.so much to discover everytime.
    considering covers, maybe one big scanner would do magic? maybe even small one for cds. anyway, covers are sometimes really interesting to see, even if they are pictured in angle.it's fine by me. it even looks kinda interesting and funny at the same time.
    all best!

  20. I wish someone made a scanner that would do bigger than 12x12 so we all could scan cover's... I've in the past scanned each half of a cover and then put it together in photoshop,,, TOTAL HASSLE!
    The angle scans are fine by me... I just want to know what it looks like so when I'm hunting for Lp's I know what to look for.

  21. I have no problem with the angle of the photos and I can't believe anyone would complain; however, you can always use a diffuser or bounce the light off the ceiling if, for your own reasons, you want a more straight-ahead angle. THANKS so much for everything!!!
