Thursday, June 14, 2007

If you are using a Mac with Safari and having issues with Mass Mirror, go to and download the Safari 3 Public Beta. That solved my issue.
Good Luck.


  1. It is just funky becuase it doesn't show up

    But all you have to do is click on a random spot and the page will appear.

    Dunno why.

    BTW just found you site from a link on Pitchfork and I am incredibly impressed. Thanks for running this!

  2. FWIW, I've found Safari Beta 3 to be somewhat unstable (on Mac). But other people I've talked to haven't had any problems.

  3. No problems with it here. It's definitely better then 2 (for me at least). The pages I was having problems with before are no longer problematic.

  4. safari 3 does improve the iFrame rendering issue with MassMirror. it still doesn't make up for them using 'iFrame's' this day and it 1997 still? :)

    oh well, i'll take the shares however they come. you guys are sharing 'fire' lately! and here's to hoping a better sharing service comes along or Massmirror adopts current web technologies/standards.
