Wednesday, June 27, 2007


An impossibly obscure album of highly advanced cosmic rock of levitational proportions by a complete mystery band. Yup...this one's a monster, and yet there is an almost complete absence of information to be found anywhere about this jawdropper, both on the web and on the sleeve itself. So too, even the collector I go this from hadn't the slightest idea of this group's provenance, so anyone out there with a clue, please do tell. As for the music, these set of ears, the waterily trance-inducing and repetitively cascading sonics contained herein owes something to both Quebecois acidheads Dionne/Bregent and to Harumi Hosono's godhead collaboration with Tadinori Yokoo on Cochin' Moon. For those so inclined, this is a lysergic brainbomb waiting to happen...enjoy!

***************NEW LINK POSTED OCTOBER 2012***************

Get it here  


  1. I found the following two mentions in the net:
    Soular System-71 – Birth Of Paradise – BASF – France (psychedelic)
    Soular System [France]
    Birth Of Paradise (BASF: LP 33m)
    Since they match I guess it's correct. French group. Maybe a specialist for French groups can help?
    Best, Michael
    and thanks for the music... great work... really.

  2. The group is French and the album issued in 1971 on the BASF label.

  3. Spyros-Good to see that you're lurking here! As for yours and Michael's comments, my confusion stems from this: Yes, this is on French BASF, but the composers name for both tracks is James Bolden and the cover art is by one Steve Martin (the *only* info provided, unless I'm missing an insert or something).
    If you have any further info, please let me know, as obviously, the name James Bolden hardly seems French...

  4. Eric, I own the album (one of those mega-rare cheapos you pay for 10$ but NEVER turn up), which I had purchased in Paris the previous year upon discussion with a dealer in Cligniancourt, who informed me that they were Canadians residing in Paris. That is why they owe much to the Dionne / Bregent sound (excellent comparison you made there), which is what came to my mind as well upon first listen.

    James Bolden later on relocated to NY, where he contributed to the "Fame" (yes that stupid TVseries) soundtrack.

    Great to see you collaborating with my old pal Jim Boul. You are doing a great job here! Keep it on...

  5. spyre eisai o spyros pou nomizw?ean nai epoikhnwnhse me mail mazi would be great if you could contribute to this blog...

  6. Spyros-Thanks for the info. I'll update the post now.
    I'm also in agreement with Jim...would love to see you contribute here, if you're interested...

  7. hi, is this album available anywhere to download? I think this link isn't working anymore. I really would like to hear this. Thank you.

    Gym Zsahib
