Wednesday, July 4, 2007

No new Posts from Mutantsounds the next 2 days

As you may have noticed there were no new posts by me yesterday ,and this will continue for today and tomorrow,due to obligatory reasons that will keep me away from pc .Sorry about that...coming back on Friday.
Jim Mutantsounds


  1. No worries, sir -- it's been a marvelous flow of music as always, take a break!

  2. Yep. Hope all is well with you Jim. Look forward to more rarities and freaky wonderfulness on Friday. take care.

  3. God yeah take a break! The pace you're uploading these albums, well dunno bout you but its wearing me out trying to catch 'em all. Damn I should be studying/working/childminding (which is why I rarely show any appreciation for the freaky wonderfulness, asides from havin little to say). Gaah!

    Oh yeh...thanks ya beautiful mutie!
