Sunday, September 30, 2007

Farm Band -st(Mantra),2LP,1972,USA

This RARE 2-LP set was made by Jesus freak / hippie guru Stephen Gaskin and the Tennessee Commune. Hippie Folk Psych music with fine lead guitar work.This hippie commune performs some long drugged out psychedelic jams. If you enjoy The Grateful Dead live/dead lp , you are sure to enjoy this.
get it here


  1. OH MY GOD !!!!!!!!

    Completely amazing

    Considering this, alongside the incredible Homegas recording on Takoma... I say, bring back the communes!!!!

    I always did mean to go and stay with the Quakers....

  2. Something is wrong with the uploadpage, very strange messag there

  3. i tried to download but kept getting this error message, perhaps the link is bad?

    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /home/massmrr/public_html/s2/core/functions.php on line 119
    Could not connect to database: Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'

  4. any chance of getting a working link for the album? id really love to hear it. thanks. *

  5. any chance of getting a working link for the album? id really love to hear it. thanks. *

    Try again. It's been downloaded more than 300 times.

  6. fun record. thanks for the post.

  7. dude, this commune is still going strong, a few good friends of mine grew up there and we visit often. they make really good soy ice cream. thanks for posting this, i look foreward to hearing it!

  8. Absolutely epic! The Polyphonic Spree totally ripped these people off.

  9. fantastic !!!!
    big big thanks for sharing this gemstone!

    peace, fuzzbox

  10. indeed the farm still goes strong...they also published some book-gems imo

    this one is definatly a nice christmas attention haha


  11. Great stuff - thanks for posting!
