Saturday, March 22, 2008

Anatrofobia-Le Cose Non Parlano ,CD,2001,Italy

Great new Italian band, playing a complex RIO styled improvisational rock reminding much of Univers Zero, Doctor Nerve and Curlew along with the much newer Zu. Excelent dark atmospheres ,chaotic use of electronics and saxes sometimes touching the edges of industrial. This is their second release and long deleted.
visit their website here.
get this absolute gem here


  1. It seems a shame not to comment on Anatrofobia when it is such an excellent album. I find it more melodic than the description suggests and those who were initially wary should give it a try.

  2. thx a lot.

    Do you know this band?

  3. Wow! This is one of the best items I've downloaded in...well, I can't remember anything better. Your site makes me woozy. Thanks!
