Wednesday, April 30, 2008

After a small interval Mutantsounds is back

Dear friends
as you may noticed no posts were done from my side for a little while.That's because i was away with family for Easter(Orthodox) vacation.Now i'm back.Tomorrow new posts will be up.I apologise for this absence and especially for the lack of comments publishing the last 4 days(yet they are all published now).
Glad to be back
Jim Mutantsounds


  1. hey man no need for the apology, you take all the time you need.

    Great to have you back

    much love


  2. So good to see you back, pal!


  3. just a quick thankyou for some of your recent posts - heavy winged, the morth sea and Koichi Makigami are all a great listen - i acquired heavy wingeds 'mojito' and the north seas 'exquisite idol' a while back, it's so nice to inject a little more into my collection - keep up the good work! mike

  4. finally a good news!
    welcome back Jim
    and thanks for all your passion and great music taste

  5. Hi Jim, glad to see you're back.
    All the links to Xirror give me a 404 error.

    Is it me or Xirror who don't want me
    to listen all this genious musics ???

    I cry, i cry, i pray for web god to make
    something, please...

    Cheers, Niemiz

  6. Awesome. Please, please, PLEASE stop using Rapidshare if you can. Their wait times are ridiculous and that new cat security scheme takes way too much time to figure out.

    I will never, and I'm sure most people will never, ever pay for a "premium account". Please use the better ones that don't make you jump through ridiculous hoops to download.

  7. I'd be ecstatic if you went to MediaFire... I can't figure out why you don't!

    And I totally agree with the Rapidshare "cats" comment. I look at those for a long time, and STILL don't always get 'em correct!

  8. Yes, these identification codes across the web are a bit ridiculous at times. They are either twisted and distorted beyond recognition, or you are not sure which part of the code they want you to enter.

  9. Hello Mutants!

    I tried to download two older posts from 2007 - The Hypothetical Prophets "And The World..." (1982) and Rhythm & Noise "Contents Under Notice" (1984) - but they doesn`t works.

    Could you post both these records again?

    I will be very grateful!

