Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bernard Estardy - La Formule du Baron ,LP,1967,France

Here's a strange groovy LP.Bernard Estrandy in this LP, like Jean-Claude Vannier did in his masterpiece L'Enfant Assassin Des Mouches, creates an experimental concept album steeped in intricate arrangements and peculiar sound effects yet groovy and much "in time".Great organ tunes, psych african grooves,great!Much better than related Serge Gainsbourg's efforts.At least a great record to hear near the sea this summer drinking martinis and flirting around!
get it here


  1. Absolutely wonderful.
    This record is huge.
    I'm a great fan of your blog (esp. when it comes to dig those dark french records i just love).
    Thought it was the right time to thank you and congratulate you for your work.

  2. masterpiece.
    in my bedroom with flowers around it.

  3. Magnifique. Excellent album !!!
    Merci beaucoup.

  4. i have the vinyl! i´m happy

  5. Jerome, I couldn't have said it any better!
    Thanks heaps for the wonderful work put into this blog! I LOVE IT!

  6. hey is there a way to upload this? i've been looking 4 this 4 ages!

    thanks man!

  7. I'll be the third person to ask you to kindly renew the download links to the album... Please!

  8. I liked it already on youtube, can't wait for a high quality version, sorry to be the fourth to ask for a re up.

  9. http://depositfiles.com/files/0iozzqed2
