Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bernard Xolotl - Return Of The Golden Mean,tape,1981,USA

Following my previous post of Xolotl's space excurtions here's another spaced out electronic gem in Klaus Schulze,Ash Ra Tempel vein. More infos on Bernard Xolotl can be found in my previous post.
get this gem here


  1. Great stuff again, Mutantsounds.

    I was wondering, do you have any of the cassettes by the group The Algy Krebbs Quartet? It was a band involving the members of Proof Of Utah before that band existed... some really interesting and bizarre stuff.

    I've only once heard their tape "Parrots On Fire", and would love to hear it again, or hear anything else for that matter.

  2. Great, rare find - not only for Xolotl fans. But itt seems that track 6 "Descending Phases" is missing - any chance to grab it from your tape and upload?

  3. I already have this one, but I'd love to hear "Procession" and "Last Wave"


  4. this is a cosmic trip to higher dimensions...
    thank you Jim

  5. Concerning to the above post asking about The Algy Krebbs Quartet. Please check out Send me a message, comment or friend request via that page and I can hook you up. I am also talking to MutantSounds about making the entire Algy Krebbs catalog available for download.

  6. Hi mutantsounds,
    this Xolotl album is lovely, as is all of his stuff, but as someone mentioned above, track 6 'Descending Phases' is missing, unless the cassette cover lists it wrongly. Can you please post the missing track or tell us what's up if you don't have it?

  7. Am I mistaken or 6-th track "Descending Phases" are really missing?

  8. Yes, it's missing, and there's been no response about that. More than 2yrs later I'm still trying to find that missing track somewhere.
