Saturday, April 21, 2012


Keyboard meister Rahn's main gig back in the day was promulgating the syrupy rich sympho formalism of cult prog rockers Novalis, but he certainly managed to cough up a delightfully unexpected hairball with this one and only solo venture of his. Rahn's sound on Solo Trip is obviously indebted to Japan's Yellow Magic Orchestra and shares much with others that have flown this sorta suave yet candied and distinctly library-like banner ala Alex Cima, Christian Von Eschersheim, Angel Rada and Happy The Man keyboardist Kit Watkins' work circa his first solo outing but Rahn's work here also captures something of that very French continuum of spacily thematic synthy library sounds that extends from Alain Gorageur's soundtrack to La Planete Sauvage and on to Bernard Fevre and Claude Peraudin.

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  1. Very nice! It's so wonderful to see this indispensable blog back up and running full steam.

    As a sidenote, YMO's s/t came out at the tail end of 1978 so I'm not sure Lutz Rahn would have been directly influenced by them. It's remotely possible that he may have heard "Paraiso" (loosely considered a YMO record) which came out a little earlier in the same year, though.

  2. I love this type of stuff. The description was like a roll call of my favorite Mutant Sounds uploads.

  3. I wonder if Motorhead heard the title track before they wrote "I Got Mine"
