Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Tabu-Tanz Intim,LP,1982,Netherlnds

Another obscure NDW/synth LP ,this time from Netherlands.Much synth driven punkish sound reminding Ski Und die Rest,Red Zebra,,etc.
get it here


  1. Hi! I must say, you have certainly uploaded a fantastic collection of music. I liked especially all the swedish progg-records.
    (Er du svensk?) - just asking if you are swedish.. Anyway. Ive been searching trough your blog for a long time now. But I must ask you: Have you paied for a rapidshare-account, or do you know some other way to get it for free?


  2. or do you know some other way to get it for free?

    You are getting all this GREAT music 100% free and your cheap ass isn't willing to shell out $8 or $9 for a premium account?


  3. i'm sure a lot of the people who download from here don't pay for their accounts. screw a premium account. just wait an hour. go clean or something while you're waiting. time flies, really.

  4. 3 years ago, still:

    i think you have mistaken something there. Tabu is a band from the "NDW", so its a german band from the 80s synth' movement.

