To be honest i came across this gem just 2 months ago and really got amazed. A record released in 1989 privately on Nart label, defines the cross sound between Pere Ubu, Throbbing Gristle and Velvet Underground! Amazing improvised psych music of guitar,found objects and some electronics. An incredible use of sound, mind numbing weirdness, but not in your face, kinda like Third Ear Band freaks out!!!!!They came from Connecticut ,same city as Cro Magnon ,so .....no, they are to young to have interconnections but surely been ifluenced !Sounding a bit like early Smegma -LAFMS scene acts .....A primitive approach to music sounding better when improvised,this is what we call NART:NotART!
Don't miss it!Hope more of their recordings appear here soon. Stuart Werner , was contacted and promised some stuff. Visit their
get this unbelievable gem
if the review tells the truth, this should be amazing. i try it.
thank you this much ( ( (
this record is the shit. glad to see it on the web.
Haven't heard this yet, but the title comes from the great Tom DeHaven book of the same name.
FYI, this record features Grant Miller, later of Mandible Chatter. Walter Funk from Kwisp & the new version of Fifty Foot Hose plays on many of the Mandible Chatter recordings as a guest.
Very good. Kinda like a singer-less Stooges or Velvets playing an art gallery.
The Freaks Amour website has been updated with free downloads including Regressive Music for Mind and Body as well as several other of my works. All downloads are free. Enjoy.
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