Saturday, April 9, 2011


Cockamamie musical conceits are at a premium on this long lost album by this exceptionally obscure (even by Japanese underground standards) fringe unit, with the barely there ebb of incidental urban location recordings that initiates this oddity being but one in a long series of dissociative audio non sequiturs and rug-pulls. This deliberate wrong footing continues apace; their cheeky structural dislocations of commericial schlock signifiers ranging from twee synth pop to hard rock blather placing them somewhere between Virgin Vs and Picky Picnic, though it's contaminated by a shrieking Eye-like vocal attack and cross cut by apropos-of-nothing disruptions of dada or silence, right down to the baffling inclusion of a block of said silence toward the end of side B (their cover of Cage's 4:33, perhaps?) and a bonus flexi disc that consists mostly of silence, with a bit of yakking at the fore and aft.

*******NEW LINK*******

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Rave Alien said...

Wow super strange.. I find it hilarious and fun to listen to haha

ECno8 said...

oh my god more zin-say! so happy for this. can't find enough of them.

c.patera said...

oh, awesome! I don't have this one... they appear on some comps I have on Nagomu Records. I'll have to post them to my blog now...


Klemen Breznikar said...

I love your blog!
I added you to my blog list.

My blog:

Maestro said...

I noticed a lot by ICL Label by Colin Potter here.

Albums on this Label are amazing.

Thanks for all the great work.

Is there any chance that you just share a few more by this Label?

I need some more by Carl Matthews .

CAM - Quid Rides (1987)
Carl Matthews - Old & New (1988)

or by :Aspiration

The Zodiac Suite (1988)
Nuance (1988)

Please note that "Aspiration" and "CAM" are the aliases of Carl Matthews.

Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

This is so sick! Thanks!

The Hofmann SOund said...

you guts at mutant might be interested in this...

Thomas Kyhn said...


Thomas Kyhn said...

Info in Japanese:

Aguar said...

Hola saludos agregado el sito a

pon un link gracias

Prosperar said...

Hi, congratulations for your blog! I've added your blog on the new directory of blogs that I manage. I invite you to share links, please add me you, too:

Steven R. said...

First, fantastic blog. I'm going to enjoy sifting through here and finding all these bands.

Uhm...second, I have a request (well, really more than one) *disclaimer* I'm still new to this so really sorry if they're already posted, but I couldn't find them:

Hazel-The Red Krayola
Japan in Paris in L.a.-The Red Krayola

and, seeing the comments here, it seems as if Zin-Say! have other works...I'd like to request them.

Thanks so much!

melt-apple said...

I've been listening to Substance III ever since I stumbled across this video ( a few months back. Thanks for more Zin Say!

Hoping this one has the track that's on said video, about forty seconds in. :)

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen reference to it here, but it's well known that Zin-Say! went on to become techno superstars Denki Groove.

Supposedly for this album they touted the flexi-disc as the main release, with the LP being the free bonus.

ECno8 said...

anyone know the kanji for the flexi track?