Sunday, March 10, 2013


There's been such a passionate outpouring against our abandoning Mutant Sounds, so much encouragement from fans, artists and labels associated with the albums that we've shared to find some way to continue that it's driven us to devise a new way to keep Mutant alive.

While all former posts will remain as text archives only, Mutant Sounds will now carry on sharing rare, unreleased and long out of print music both new and old from many of your favorite artists here. It's just that this material will now be shared with the full authorization of each artist and, as a result, will be hosted on our personal Dropbox account.

Make sure to get the word out to your friends: Mutant has not died. It's just transformed and is now about to emerge like a butterfly from a chrysalis. Stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled for more goodies. The first fruits of this will begin appearing next week…


litlgrey said...

Worst... ummm... 30 hours of my life!!!

Vinylust said...

Oh Yeah!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness....but will there still be re-up lists?

vdoandsound said...

anonymous-There will be shares of individual albums appearing on Mutant as permission is obtained for each title but no lists of re-upped batches of previously posted albums as you're describing.

Anonymous said...

YEAH !!!

Thanks, Skidd

Lee said...

Good news! Might I suggest that if you're going to get permission from the artists, why not set up a 'collection' and store your files at

C. Reider said...

I agree with Lee, it may be best to avoid file sharing services altogether and approach it as a netlabel. If permissions have been given, then this would be the obvious way to go. You could use Internet Archive and/or Sonic Squirrel. There is much more stability with this kind of uploading.

Edward said...

Like a phoneix...

Exeter said...


I guess I have been absent a few days!
Didn't know about a future "demise" of "Mutant Sounds". Thanks to whomever for it's rescue! I have been a follower for quite a while, and I do thank you so much for your efforts!

Ivan T. W. said...

Excellent news! Thanks Mutant Sounds.

Anonymous said...

This is, indeed good News. I suppose many artists will agree. Please keep us informed about how your plans will develop. You did a great effort in the past, it would be sad to break it up by reason which are theresult of exterieur pressure of what ever kind. One should do such things as Mutant for ones own reason and when it's time to stop, it should be the same and not anything else which is just the fashion of time and be forgotten tomorrow.

Wish You a bright & long future.



Roddus said...


Iain said...

This is great news.

seenky said...

Rock on fellers. x

Dirk Ambient said...

Great news, thank you for this and everything. All music sounds sweeter.

Anonymous said...

Nice decision to keep it up :)
Thanks !

Anonymous said...

Great news, guys, congratulations.

Anonymous said...

just a simple:

Anonymous said...

muchas gracias !

Anonymous said...

When I read that y'all were hanging it up, I felt as though someone suckerpunched me in the diaphragm. This has been an incredible resource for many, many people on the innerwebs and all involved should be sainted immediately. THANK YOU, X1,000,000,000,000!

Anonymous said...

great news, but I should also say thanks for what you'd vowed to do in your original plan, that is, keep up your reviews/commentaries on the music you'd championed, because that has always been such an important part of what you do and can still help to introduce people to new music - though now they may have a bit more trouble actually listening to it! Best of luck with the new approach, we'll be watching, listening, appreciating...
Thanks, Jeremy

Kate said...

Amazing! So happy to hear this!

P E C E said...

Great news!

Do you have an email account to be in touch?

Duck said...

Whatever happens, do please leave the texts up, which are wonderfully informative and entertaining (even if frustrating when the link is lacking).

Tim said...

This brightens my day. Your original announcement about shutting down really upset me.

tek said...

First of all, thank you for your noble decision. It gives me hope. I agree with Lee and C.Reider, in terms of establishing a more stable file platform.

Id said...

Is there any way readers can help contact publishers to get the past several years of material back up?

buruno said...

thanks for keeping it up, guys! mutant sounds is probably the very first music blog I actually felt like following (about 3 years ago).

CMYK said...

Great news! It will also be very interesting to see if artists are willing to grant permission for their materials to be hosted here.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, best thing on the whole durn internet hands down. Totally influenced my taste in music, don't know what I'd do if this blog went down.

Herr Klaus said...

Awesome - I love you, and thank for all the good, inspiring work. May mutant live forever!

Nooa said...


Anonymous said...

such great news... wish you guys the best in this new era

Roach said...

This day just turned into a great one, many thanks for past and future posts!

Hingehead said...

Great news - like the idea.....

arnold paole said...

Funny... On the same day I discover that Mutant Sounds is reborn and at the same time it has died. I couldn´t understand this post until I saw the previous!!! Wishing you GOOD LUCK on this new era and big big THANKS for sharing such amount of good music over the past years.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping it going! This is a top blog that has put me on to tonnes of music I otherwise never would have heard of (and allowed my to find a bunch of other stuff I knew about but would probably never have found).
I've been wanting to submit some of my own older music for download here. How would I go about doing that with the new file storage arrangements?

best wishes

p.s. if anyone can post the self-titled Gestalt et Jive 2-LP somewhere I would cream for it! I've been trying to get that reposted for must be a couple of years now; I have half the album but not the other half!

GL said...


Anonymous said...

Sooooo glad to hear this! Thanks for everything from the bottom of my heart!

Rochacrimson said...

It's a miracle!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

can we get some Doug Ferguson related stuff in the dropbox since you guys were so closely affiliated? Would appreciate it tons!

Anonymous said...

Thank you bro!!! desde Argentina

Ryland said...

Thanks for doing what you're doing, guys. Can't believe I've been following you guys for 4 years... One day I'll actually finish listening to everything that was posted back in January 2007.

A HUGE BY-THE-WAY: Pretty much everything Mutant Sounds has ever posted is available on Soulseek.

Ry said...

A huge thank you for all your efforts over the past many years. You have kept so much amazing music from disappearing, which is really a gigantic cultural service to anyone who care about music, art, life, etc. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
For stable solutions with Artist/Label permission, I really think you should look to both and the Free Music Archive.
Also, it would be worth the effort to figure out a good way to mobilize the MS readers and supporters to reach out to artists and labels in a consistent, productive and organized way.

edlorado said...

these are great news!

José Osaldo said...

Yaaahooo! Great! I'm so happy you reconsidered. I've been a fan of mutant sounds since 2007. I gotta admit that i haven't been here for a while. I had a stroke when i read a RIP salute for Mutantsounds in the Ghost Capital blog. So i came here heartbroken and this post is what i see. Thank you! Thank you!

sucamilladj said...

Great news!
You made my day/week/year/life!!!!
Thank you
To celebrate this good news check this out!

Field Engine said...

Sad news.
Mutant sounds helped shape my youth.

Rest assured that the influence you all put out there is coming back around.
If it werent for you guys I wouldn't have heard steaming coils and many other gems.

Here is some love from the children of the blogs:

You all have left your footprint here and and expanded my sonic universe.
Hope you all continue to influence the sonic sphere of the earth people somehow. Mutant sounds was the best music blog on the net, RIP.

yusuf_ludovici said...

mutant-sounds, you are a hero of the internet! alas the titans of free love are once again smited by the demonic energies of corporate yankee disney morality! all juice aside, you have made me happy for all the years I have been aware of your existence. I have learned of many great and once unknown bands/artists because of your promotional posts e.g. woo, dennis wize, KGB, david pritchard, amos & sara, NEF, rowenta/khan, nova huta, tolerance, picky picnic, dada, limbus etc. thank you! thank you! it's sad that you can't carry on as before but nothing lasts forever. thanks for all the good times! much love and respect. Markus Cusci!

Anonymous said...

I'm very glad to read this. Yours is one of the best music blogs online, especially now that so, so many great blogs have been shut down by what is effectively nothing more than than the corporate police, who care and know absolutely nothing about culture, and thanks to their collusion with the US govt have managed to stifle a substantial percentage of the internet's promise. Copyright infringement countermeasures, in principle, are understandable--but the truth is these self-appointed watchdogs go far beyond that, as anyone who has regularly visited many related sites knows; they've taken down sites with material that was clearly in the public domain as well, many of them. They've taken down sites referencing works that in no way relate to US copyright laws. It's a travesty of justice and common sense. So I thank you good folks again, for all the great information and wealth of culture you share with us all. We must all keep culture alive, so we don't get trampled underfoot by the steady deluge of cheap corporate swill that passes for entertainment these days. --ARX

Anonymous said...

Glad you´re back at where you were !

Adjacy said...

It's is the the best blog of real music around the world !
Congratulations for all wordeful post !
Adjacy ( from Brazil )