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Jef Gilson is a French jazz pianist whose career started in the sixties and was one of the first bandleaders to utilized the talents of a very young violinist named Jean Luc Ponty. This enchanting compilation comes from four sessions in 1969 and 1973. The first two datesfrom 1969 take place and employ jazz musicians from Madagascar, perhaps a first for acollaboration with musicians from the exotic island of Madagascar, some 20 years beforeHenry Kaiser & David Lindley made their way there. The first group includes 5 sax or clarinet players, plus Jef on electric piano and xylophone, an electric bassist and drummer.This is truly infectious and joyous Afropop with jumping grooves, interlocking drums and xylophone and harmonious horns, not so distant from the better parts of those 'Ethiopique'series CDs. The one cover that these sessions provide is a hypnotic version of Pharoah Sanders' "The Creator Has a Master Plan", done by a fine sextet with alto sax,bass clarinet, piano, el. bass and two drummer/percussionists. The two sessions from 1973take place in Paris and employ another sextet with both local players and some from Madagascar. What makes these units interesting is that they include two electric bassistsand an instrument called a valiha, which sounds like a kora. Both bassists play different,percolating parts, as the valiha and percussionist also lock into their grooves. It is rare to find music that is both adventurous and so much fun simultaneously.
get it
Lovely stuff!!!
many thanks for such a great blog
There only seems to be the 1973 album here, can you help?
Not sure how I found my way here to your eclectic blog, but I'm liking what I'm hearing... especially the take on The Creator Has A Master Plan.
much appreciated.
Another Jef Gilson joint (Malagasy at Newport Paris) is now available here: http://ileoxumare.blogspot.com/2009/02/gilson-malagasy-at-newport-paris-1973.html
And I've linked your offering up there.
Many, Many thanks! So Cool! This is really great stuff!
I seem to be missing track 7 of Zao, am I missing something obvious?
Many thanks for you kind shares, REALLY diggin the Zao album!!! like TN im also into The creator has a master plan, one of the best albums I´ve heard by Gilson.. Thanks again!
could you up track 7 please??
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