League of Nations-Music for the New Depression,mLP,1984+Fade/Thin Ice Wall,12",1983,USA

get it here
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2:17 PM
All previous Vas Deferens Organization and related project posts on Mutant Sounds can be found below with new links.
I had , actually, the pleasure of hearing this lp awhile back from one of my unamed download sources. They link up with you too. The twelve inch I have not heard, so I may have to download this to hear it. I made a cd of this band mixed with songs from V-sor X. They went together smoothly. What would be really cool is if someone in the netherlands, or wherever, could produce a copy of the second album entitled 'frequenz' by the awesome Ensemble pittoresque. Now that would be , trully, kewl...indeed.
For a real psychedelic-erotic experience go there to hear something very rare and wonderfull : http://waxidermy.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?t=13544&highlight=euva
Brilliant! Thanks!
You outdo yourself constantly. I don't care for the industrial so much (except when you and VDO post H.N.A.S), but that's just my taste. But the minimal synth, Arabic-ambient, bleepy spaceship rock,and all the rock-electronic hybrids were spot on. Even enjoyed the experimental compilation.
just posted the Frequenz album. It was kindly donated by someone from Chile.
Well..now. The 'frequenz' album has magically been posted on Phoenix Hairpins. And from Chile no less. That was fast. I love the blogsphere...
This IS really good. It reminds me of a combination of Joy Division and Kraftwerk.
Another band from my backyard i never heard of. Guess i got a big backyard...
Here's an album by a project called WORKDAY/SCHOOLNIGHT -- some minimal synth stuff going on as well as some Can-influenced guitar/bass driven songs. The last track is just minimal synth for 19 minutes. Good stuff.
No words to appreciate this blog thanks a lot for this great informative post keep posting and updating the blog.
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