A brilliant and long forgotten compendium issued on Kamikaze, the same label that released essential albums by both Aqsak Maboul and Les Tueurs De La Lune De Miel, Noises features a curious cross section of Belgian art rock and experimental music notables. Perhaps most significantly, it also features an otherwise unavailable and hauntingly gorgeous 14 minute cascade of delayed organ/sax/vocal bliss from the Riley-esque French minimalist Ariel Kalma that fills out most of side B. Future Telex synth pop mover (and ex jazz rock titan in Placebo) Marc Moulin fills out the remainder of said side with another pool of delays, this one applied to his voice. Elsewhere, short tracks rule the day, with his fellow Telex-er Michel Moers contributing a series of them covering everything from flute and jews harp duets to field recordings, some alongside future Cos vocalist Ilona Chale, who offers up some brief but luscious bits as well.
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