Thursday, December 31, 2009


Newly expunged from the deepest bowels of Geniale Dilettanten Neue Duetsche Welle tape culture, this dystopian crew generate drifts of morose atmospherics cut by arc-welded metal squeals and corroded clatter, exploiting the innards of collapsed new buildings for maximal sonic decrepitude.

Get it via Megaupload Here

Get it via Rapidshare Here


Anonymous said...

extreme noıse terror!

henno hamstra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

ohenn, if you recommend Mediafire, you obviously have not been at this blog long. Eric had problems with Mediafire as far back as early 2007 (they removed his links) and Mediafire has been blacklisted by MS.

btw, Megaupload works great (or should) for everyone. I never once have gotten a message from Megaupload saying I've downloaded too much and need to wait "xx" minutes to download again.

Anonymous said...

this is grating, inconsistent, beyond voice and words and preplanning and composure. it's not fast, it's not just slow drones. dark, suits and a certain mood like very little else can

and a lot of the times i crave exactly that, and this is one of those little treats i thank you very kindly for

카지노사이트 said...

Esa es realmente una red tremenda. continua publicando