Deja Voodoo-Too Cool to Live, Too Smart to Die,MLP,1985,Canada

get it here
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10:51 AM
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Thank you for posting this one. Heard some of the songs ages ago on Andrea 'Enthal's show and I thought I would never hear them again. Great, true lo-fi skuzz.
More Deja Voodoo can be found here:
the best band ever. i have all their records on vinyl. saw them live a few times. absolutely perfect. their moto was "skinny strings are for whimps". drums with no cymbals and no skinny strings on the guitar
saw them live at the voodoo BBQ at foufoune électrique in Montreal 1985 if i remember well
Definitely awesome. Those records never left my collection - wish I could find my box of old vhs tapes - I remember having tapes some old Deja Voodo videos from the DV BBQ days.
Rapidshare SUCKS--thanks for the post anyway.
thanks a lot for this one! "cheese and crackers" and "bo diddley's cat" are among my all time favourites ever since I bought that record very many years ago. the web is a very nice place - I don't even have to rip the records I own :-)
awseome! one of my fave bands as teenager in the 80s. I heard the band the first time at a john peel radio show and was immediatly hooked. thanks a lot for this!
Thanks soooo much! My vinyl copy of this got destroyed and I've been missing this for a long time. I must have gone to a half dozen BBQ's.
Thanks again!
Links dont works
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