Sunday, March 4, 2007


Definitely the black sheep of the Mnemonists/Biota family (word is that they refuse to have it reissued), this is both the most electronic oriented and the most industrial sounding recording in their collective canon. You'd be forgiven for mistaking portions for MB! What it does share with their other recordings under this moniker (but NOT with their latter day technicolor crazy quilt Biota recordings) is an impeccable sense of how to build up accretions of gritty sonic detail in a way thats almost cinematic (unsurprising for a group whose largest influence was Eraserhead sound designer Allen Splet). What is surprising is that they'd want to withhold the recording of theirs that most sounds like the soundtrack to Eraserhead! This C90 tape has been split into two parts.

***************NEW LINK POSTED SEPTEMBER 2012***************

Get it here  


. said...

A classic. My tape deck broke shortly after I bought this one, so I had yet to hear it. That was 5 years ago. Now I can put off getting a new one for 5 more years.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Thanks for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

Sad to say, winrar refuses to extract these tracks, says "file corrupted", tried download these two times. I hope they could be shared again fresh new. Thanks anyway!

Anonymous said...

Well, worked well on third try as I used the default browser. Beautiful stuff! And I do not hear much resemblances to MB. This is the good old Mnemonists, yet in a more simplistic electronic form. Thanks many tons for this one! I would be out of words if you could add Rackabones AND that Mectpyo Bakterium album! Been looking for that one for years!

Arvo said...

I'm listening to this cassette right now, looking up info. I will be happy to dig through the other stuff, I'm glad you posted this and saved me the trouble. This album is great!

Anonymous said...

thanx from urkenny

Anonymous said...

Of course, I find this after MegaUpload is sacked. Looking forward to when this gets a new link.