The consistently bug-ridden Massmirror is in day two of technical crap-outs with nothing able to be successfully uploaded, so my posts will commence again as soon as they get their act together. Ugh.
The consistently bug-ridden Massmirror is in day two of technical crap-outs with nothing able to be successfully uploaded, so my posts will commence again as soon as they get their act together. Ugh.
Posted by
2:01 AM
All previous Vas Deferens Organization and related project posts on Mutant Sounds can be found below with new links.
Been using massmirror fine the last few days. Please don't give up on it. Thanks for the great blog.Some of the artwork is fantastic. Love the Scandanavian stuff.
I had a problem with them too. It seems one of their servers are down, since changing the s2 in the address to s1 fixed the downloads for me. Unfortunately, uploading probably wouldn't be fixable the same way.
I know--switch back to RapidShare, but between you, Jim and Spacefreak, only put up 5-6 super-high quality posts in total per 1-2 days! Wouldn't that be nice and manageable for everyone? What a great idea! I'm a genius! Quality over quantity! (I know you won't do it; especially Jim, Mr. 11 posts in one day. Still don't understand the need to slather everyone with a multitude of posts they can't possibly follow up on.)
Hi Mutant-Sounds!
Your blog is incridible!!!
I hope that you always get to offer for us great and good music!
Could you post more of obscure and rare synthpop/minimal, and unknown new wave acts from french and belgium, like Kekko Bravo, Bene Gesserit, Chow-Chow, Dirk Blanchart, Kamagurka, persona Non Grata, etc??
Still don't understand the need to slather everyone with a multitude of posts they can't possibly follow up on.
You need to get a faster internet connection then. Stop complaining about Eric and Jim's generosity. Makes no sense for you to do so. Music is music. Enjoy it!
BTW, maybe Jim has been posting a lot the past 2-3 days since he didn't post at all for a month or two.
11 posts a day from Jim is a ridiculous exaggeration and you know it.
8:09AM: Do you also go to the public library and ask the librarians to buy fewer books because you can't possibly read them all fast enough?
in the lull, i thought i'd make a request...any chance you have the Nightingales' first Peel session? (issued on strange fruit) It was left off of the recent cd reissues, and my vinyl copy disappeared years ago. It has the only version of the very fine "Butterbricks," one of my favorite tracks of theirs, as well as superior versions of some Pigs on Purpose tracks.
actually, while I'm dreaming, do you have the Restricted Code MonkeyMonkeyMonkey single? Another great Scottish band from the Fast era.
thanks, of course, for all the great music.
two requests...The Nightingales first peel session (issued on strange fruit), which was left off of the recent cd reissues. Has "Butterbricks," one of my favorite songs of theirs, as well as superior versions of some Pigs on Purpose tracks.
also, any chance you have Restricted Code's Monkey Monkey Monkey single? Another find Scottish band from the Fast era.
thanks for all the great music!
It wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings if you went with Megaupload for times when Mass Mirror's down, I don't think. :)
Maybe you can try Sharebee instead of Massmirror
hey, try Mediafire :)
fast, free and i have never experienced technical difficulties.
Whatever you have by way of some Ashtray Navigations would be appreciated. Also, anything by Culver (Lee Stokoe's one man blasted-drone project)would be smashing as its hard stuff to come by.
MM messed up on me last night and it worked tonight - maybe they're set now.
~Mr. P
Well, MassMirror problem or no, I am new to your blog and found it while trying to search the net for Barney Wilen's Moshi. Instead, I found two other things I have bee looking for for a very long time-Uli Trepte and Michel Portal!!!!!! And perusing the rest of your blog, I am blown away!!!!! Thank you so much for being here and for your hard work sharing this music. i'll continue to search for Moshi, but the resource you provide is invaluable.
The issue is not download speed, or how fast I can ACQUIRE the music. Getting it onto my compuer is no problem. The issue is having the TIME to be able to read the posts, and then listen to and PROPERLY APPRECIATE all the music that's put up here. Ultimately, I end up "skimming the cream" and probably passing up on a lot of good things. You all must have a lot of free time on your hands. I can't help but see Jim and the others' efforts as going beyond mere generosity into some "we're going to outdo all other music blogs in sheer volume" attitude. Let's not forget Jim's "dead blog" comments a few months back. He clearly values quantity of posts over all else, often copying and pasting album info from other sources, seemingly w/o even reading it first.
By the way, though I understand that he's been away for a while, Jim's 9/30 posts nonetheless totaled exactly 11 for that day, hence my comment.
Anonymous,i thought it was a good idea not to answer to your previous comment and just publish it,thinking it was in good will....but in your last comment i found out i was fooled...no good will was your intention...you just wanted to spill some poison....i ,Eric and friends of the blog commented many times in the past for issues you mentioned in your last comment message...i will not go further...be here because you like music and possibly share some ideas....if not it's your choice...concerning my 9/30 11 posts Jeff was right...they were made because i have posted nothing for the last 40 days and also because i was going to be away for the next 4 days...BUT it seems you do not want to understand some things and i'm not the one who will spent my time to make you understand...If you think it's easy to present a recording,even with copy /paste commentsthat are found here and there ,go do it.I never understand why do i have to read reviows and then make a new one that's the same with other but with different words...if i agree with a review i find i paste it my post ,mentioning the source.... Anyway...i 'm not the one who will judge you,be here ,d/l whatever you like ,but please stop playing the smart ass.
And also we do not have this "we're going to outdo all other music blogs in sheer volume" attitude in any way!And especially me hanot much free time....people who know me personally know that...that's all
No bad feelings though...
Jim Mutantsounds
PS: it's good when judging someone's work , not to do it anonymously!
Hi Jim ...don't waste your energy in this kind of comments..
Its the pain in the ass of people who wants to make good things for others..
The y will never learn the meaning of sharing..
Other thing ...like a download addict Lately I find Mediafire the best..
Keep on this herculean work..
Thanks for the last best moments I m experiencing listening to thinks I could ever imagine I would ear ...
Lots of comments here, so I'll cull my replies together: First off, I'd agree that it's a waste of time to take to task those silly folks who act like ingrates regarding the service we provide. The ridiculousness of their stance speaks for itself. Mediafire, for those who've not kept track on other posts where I've commented completely SUCKS ASS, as they deleted 5 of my posts w/in a few days after briefly using their service. To the cat who's looking for Barney Willen's Moshi, that'll be forthcoming shortly. So too will the Bene Gesserit-Music For The Fun Of It LP, for the person that requested further material by them. Wish I could offer help with the rest of the requests...maybe Jim can? Anyway, thanks for all the kind words here from those that have chimed in.
Okay, I guess I did go a bit too far. Jim, I apologize for spewing the bile. The bottom line is that, you guys are onto some great music, I visit MS regularly, and I don't mean to come off as ungrateful, though I'm certain that I did in that last comment. Truth is, I sometimes find the overwhelming volume of your posts, well, overwhelming, and personally wish that you all would scale it back a bit. I know it's not easy ripping/posting music, and you guys have hung on where a lot of other good blogs have petered out. I still think the volume is overkill, but I'm clearly the only one that feels this way. Cheers and thanks for your consistent good will.
i feel reliefed after reading your last comment anonymous....things with the posts per day will go back to normal from now on , as no more long absence periods are foreseen from my side
cheers and keep on mutating
Jim Mutantsounds
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