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1:07 AM
All previous Vas Deferens Organization and related project posts on Mutant Sounds can be found below with new links.
You've given us so much already. Sure you aren't Santa? Can't wait for whatever radioactive goodies you have in store for MS. Merry X-Mas.
MERRY MUTANT AURALMAS TO MUTANT TEAM!!! I LOVE YOU && Ill BE WAitiN for more bombs. Whos on the picture browsin vinyls? ^_^
Merry X-mas (prettige feestdagen)
Johan NL
Merry Christmas to you, too! It's been a great year for this blog- here's to an even greater 2009! Cheers!
Dear MUtant friends: Many many many thanks for all the wonderful music you give us in this year¡¡¡¡
merry xmas to you & your loved ones too !
Happy Holidays.
Best wishes for the holidays and always. Thank you so much for all the great posts in 2008, and wishing you and yours a prosperous 2009.
Merry Christmas to all mutants, and thanks 'Mutant Sounds/ for an incredible (and on going) musical adventure and education into all things mutant!
(and have a Happy New Year)
rapid share won't work for me, i can't get any of this music, why is this happening to me, it won't download as a media file, im heart broken, please can somone help me?
Merry Christmas Jim!!
I've been a fan since your first posts (Peter Frohmader, I believe ... and lots of NWW list stuff) and I've been amazed at how consistently you Mutants post. There's rarely a post when I don't find something that knocks my ears out.
I'd say the Mutants have earned a break ... but hurry back, 'cuz I'm going through Mutuant withdrawal!
merry xmas! this is the best blogspot page ever....
currently devouring all the Colin Potter cassettes!
Thank you ~>
Merry Christmas to all Mutants far and near.
p.s- Looking forward to new sounds in '09
JarBingZu22-you can't just download a file and listen to "the file". You have to have the tools (all freely available for download) to either unstuff a zip file or unpack a .rar file (winzip/winrar or 7zip for windows, rar expander/stuffit expander for mac) and once the contents are unstuffed/unpacked you can import the material into your itunes library or it's equivalent.
Merry Christmas, good year for this super blog
joyeux noël, jim
Cheers! Hope your holiday is a great one! I'm greatly anticipating the awesomeness you'll be posting... Thanks for so many of the life changing posts thusfar!!! :-DD
gracias por la musica y por todos los artistas que me has hecho conocer... creo que este blog formará parte de la historia de la musica jamás contada... mil gracias
Been hearing crazy news from Greece lately so hope all is cool with you and your loved ones Jim, and thanks again to all responsible for this blog o' wonders.
Merry Xmas and thank you for all the great music you've turned me on to! I wish you a great holiday season, mon ami!
MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You for been there.
Merry Xmas.
feliz navidad amigos!
Feliz Navidad!!! Best for 2009!!!
Merry Xmas and kisses from Greece :)
Merry Xmas and a hearty thank you mutant sounds for opening my ears further!
Thanks so much for all the sounds! Happy holiday
Youa have given a lot all through the year... is logic that you rest on X-mas...!!
Thanks for all!!
Happy New year
and long live the best best music blog ever. Thanks so much for the wealth of knowledge.
This music is the Best present I could ask for.
merry Christmas and happy new year...
the best to you..
thanks a lot for the great blog
merry xstmas to the crew !!
thanks for sharing the (rare!mutant!) beauty of music!
keep it up!
have a mutant and cool Christmas!
Happy Xmas and a Merry New Year.
And... Thank you for the music.
(Like Agnetha, Björn, Benny and Anni-Frid used to say)
You all have a place already in the history of music, as techers and discoverers. Thank you all and Merry Christmas!
thanks for all the musical happiness you give us.
happy new year!
great blog, i linked you if youd like link back
Merry Christmas to all of you!!Thank you deeply for the treasures you keep sharing with us.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009 to all blog's team!
Happy Mutant New Year! May we all grow a third eye, or parasitic twin appendage, or, my choice, an awesome x-men like superpower.
happy new year !
thanks for your amazing works
and researches...
all the best to you.
Could anyone suggest to me some albums that sound similar to the Brigitte Fontaine & Art Ensemble of Chigago album Comme a la Radio?
Email me with any suggestions at
any chance for "warning - electric eyes"
thx and happy new year
a wonderful 2009 to you all!
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