Schlussphase -st,LP,1982,Germany

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12:28 PM
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absolutely genious, the radio waves speechs works as a bridge from chapter to chapter.
the whole idea seems to be part of a post-nuclear disaster evocation.
amazing record, many thanks !!
In four years there is only a single comment for the Schlussphase album by Schnawwl!?! Admitedly a very glowing comment but even so...
I remember hearing 'Euroshima Mon Amour' on one of the New Wave Complex compilations ages ago but I must have assumed it was a 7 glad to be wrong!
One slightly odd thing given the experimental nature of the album is the fact it appeared on the German 'ZYX' label which Italo-disco and eighties synthpop heads will recognise immediately...curiousandcuriouser.
The only person i can find on the credits who has done other material is Rainer Herzog who provided the evocative keyboards and was also in the NDW beatcombo 'Die Idole' who released a rather splendid self-titled album in 1982 which the equally splendid Crispy Nuggets blog posted:
Worth it just to marvel over the cover...boy did us 80s youth know how to swing ;) heard them here and was stricken how similar they're to Fabio Frizzi! Can you update the link? I'd be very grateful.
Is it possible to reup? Many thanks in advance
Hello Sir
Is there a chance for a reup? Thanks a lot
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