Thursday, December 27, 2007


Thought I'd offer up these additional three titles after Jim's massive Can bootleg post earlier today. I don't expect that reviews or explanations are required here. Live Can = essential listening. Enjoy!

Get Great Britain 1977 Vol. 2 Here

Get Free Concert part one Here

Get Free Concert part two Here

Get Future Days And past Nights part one Here

Get Future Days And past Nights part two Here


Anonymous said...

Have you got Hasse Bruniusson's Manna Minne album?
All my vinyl was sold off years ago but I kept back a couple of dozen that I suspected would be hard to replace. I gave them to a friend for safe keeping and he has ripped several to CD for me.
I'm not sure but I think Le Mat's Waltz of the Fool may be there. I will ring him and if it's there I will post it for you.
It always reminded me of early Alice Cooper. They even do a version of Sun Arise by Rolf Harris just like on Love it to Death.
Oh & thanks for Nya Ljudbolaget, I'm listening to it as I type.
Happy New Year

Anonymous said...

oh my my! more can & more can! thanks heaven!

Fred G. Sanford said...

muchas gracias.

lotta can.

future days looks like at has an R. CRUMB illustration on the covers.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to find these boots!!!!!!!!!
Anyone have ideas on where I can find them?

Starchild said...

I dont know if you even check this anymore but I tried to contact/email you but it wasnt working so here I go and I hope this goes through:


I want to thank you for those three CAN posts you put up. You are amazing. I wanted to say this short but sweet. Simply put Can is my fav band and anything new I get from them is a real treat. Its my life music and Im on the hunt for everything. Can you tell me or share with me all the can you have. Il even pay you that's how much I need this stuff. So Im asking with all the bloody conviction and dedication as I could go, Ill do anything for more Can. Please get back to me and let me know and Ill tell you what I have and we can maybe exchange if theres anything your missing but I doubt it.

Love, Alan

Anonymous said...

i'm having such a hard time downloading these boots!! can anyone help?
i don't know what i'm doing wrong...

Anonymous said...

its april 2010 and i just stumbled across these can bootz. as can i'm from cologne and do have all the legal stuff, never thought of looking for bootz, until now.
i'd rather have it in lossless flac than mp3 below 320kbs, but just to know that out there is live and rare can is great. thanks!

Anonymous said...

Cheers thanks alot for CAN bootlegs!

Eurtrude said...

Oh, so sad that those links are dead... :(