Demonic virtuoso Polish-born vocalist Mama Bea Tekielski delivered powerful rants that mixed pure sonic experiment and Patti Smith-style anger on her classic albums LA Folle (1977), Il Faudrait Rallumiere la Lumiere (1977), Pour un Bebe' Robot (1978), Le Chaos (1979), Pas Peur De Vous (1980), Aux Alentours d'Apres Minuit (1981), Ou Vont Les Stars (1982). She disappeared for a while, but then returned with La Difference (1986), Violemment la Tendresse (1988), No Woman's Land (1991), Indienne (1998), L'Indienne (2006)
Wow! You're really going to town on the NWW List! Lots of NWW and non-NWW music on your site I've been looking for. Much appreciated. Wish I could accommodate with something from your "wish" list, but I don't have anything you're looking for. Keep up the great work!
I, too, have nothing from your wishlist. And, that is upsetting as you are knocking off item after item after item off of mine. Your collection and musical tastes are unsurpassed in my opinion.
I am the student. You are, undoubtedly, the teacher.
P.S. Everytime I see a post with NWW List Item...my heart goes aflutter.
a masterpiece.
Great Man
Flight Fabio
This Mamam Bea Tekielski album is just wonderful. Thanks very much! Should appeal to fans of Catherine Ribeiro and Gong.
The second album is more exactly : "Faudrait rallumer la lumière dans ce foutu compartiment".
To me, the first 4 albums (until "le chaos") are the most creative ones (mixture of psychedelic, progressive, underground and free). For those who understand well the french lyrics, these are crude and pure poetry. In 1977, Béatrice "Mama Béa" Tékielski was the first french artist (song & music writer)to sing this kind of poetry associated with psychedelic & progressive rock sounds. Compared to Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes, her lyrics, music and Léo Ferré/Janis Joplin-like voice create as a whole an atmosphere that is much more dense. It's so far from the regular french productions of the 70's (Higelin, Lavilliers, Telephone) !! An independant artist and woman to discover (or rediscover !)
Mama Béa is still leaving in a small town near Avignon. She is not retired although she has not done any live sessions since a couple of years. Her website is www.mamabea.fr and awaits your kind visit.
Aujourd'hui les disques de Mama Béa sont introuvables ! Je lance un appel à celui/celle qui mettra en ligne "Faudrait rallumer la lumière dans ce foutu compartiment" , un des meilleurs disques jamais entendus !
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