Calde(a)ra- A Moog Mass,LP,1970,USA
One of those vintage obscurities, A Moog Mass features music composed and played by Robert Margouleff and Malcolm Cecil who would later become Tonto's Expanding Head Band. A vocoded speech is laid on top of their electronic score. There is another band with the name "Caldera" which is a Latin Jazz ensemble and has nothing to do with them.
Do you know why one photo is CALDERA and another is CALDARA?
oh man... I can't wait to get home and download this one...
do you know this pianist Jeroen van Veen ?
I used to have an album by the 'Latin Jazz' Caldera. It was very good. I think the word 'caldera' refers to a volcanic crater.
This is in 33and1/3 or 45? Have you tried that change?...he he
so, its not only a(e)
Man this was great thanks for sharing and for your blog in general its one of my favorites.
Thanks a lot!!! And don't miss 'Tonto's Expanding Head Band - Zero Time'
This excellent blog, as always, surprises me. great stuff.
In spanish, Caldera would mean a rather big cooking pot, or any big metal structure for heating water...
A bubbling, steaming thing...? It sounds like your brain on acid, huh?
Latin Jazz?. The artist was living in "Caldera", Limon, Costa Rica. It's a costarrican.
It's nothing about heating nothing. Caldera is the part of the boats where you put the wood or charcoal for keep moving. Caldera, Limon, in Costa Rica was the main Port in that country. Also is a fantastic tourist place, very friendly... plenty of things to do and nobody bother you because is like "tourist zone". Go and see. It's hot weather all the year around, but between the beach, the bears and everything super cool there, you will never like to back home. Costa Rica is very German friendly, as matter of fact real costarricans are half german. They are more white than argentinas.
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