Saturday, May 26, 2007


Skeletal stumblebum idiot savant songform fragmentation that vacillates between moments of delirious jerry-rigged inspiration and passages that border on the insufferably sophomoric, brought to you by this batch of DIY rabble rousers whose stance and attitude (complete with DIY manifestos on the back cover) aligned them strongly at the time with the likes of The Desperate Bicycles. Loosely yoked to a whole network of willfully rinky dink art damage, Nag and Bendle (2/3 of The Door And The Window) also participated in The 49 Americans (posted by moi a short while back), a group with a similar propensity for inspired faux naif art brut whimsy and Mark Perry (the other 1/3) was of course the leader of Alternative TV, whose NWW list included group The Good Missionaries also traffic in much the same sort of abstruse fuckery.

***************NEW LINK POSTED OCTOBER 2012***************

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Anonymous said...

Very cool - I have a double 7" EP that Door And A Window appeared on from 1981 or so ... didn't know they made a 12" LP. I think their track on the EP is "He Feels Like A Doris"

Justin Vaccaro said...

This is some fantastic DIY strum and clatter. Thanks a lot! Any chance for some more stuff along these lines, e.g., Danny and the Dressmakers, Instant Automatons, and such?

vdoandsound said...

Dadu-Oh...there's always more UK DIY strum and clatter coming, but don't have Danny And The Dressmakers and the Instant Automatons material has been too recently reissued by the band to post here. Lots of other stuff of this ilk, though...

michaeldustdevil said...

i've just finished a new lp with Bendle... & it's rather good... let me know if you would like to hear it... Mxxx

vdoandsound said... all means feel free to send it my way at
Thank ye!

michaeldustdevil said...

ok then... give me about half an hour, then check your in-box... Mxxx

Anonymous said...

This takes me back, but what it takes me back to is the time in the eighties when I sold a record collection to the Notting Hill Record & Tape Exchange. The record shop fellow who was checking my records accepted them all (as per their policy), all except 'Detailed Twang' that is, which he handed back to me. I said to him "What's wrong with it?", he shrugged his shoulders and said "It's crap". I didn't argue. Now, all these years later and with the ability to appreciate proper music I am deeply ashamed that I ever owned such drivel. Oh my the folly of youth...