Tone Set-Cal's Ranch,tape,1982,USA
Following the post of their LP ,Calibrate ,here's their 1st tape.Excellent minimal synth with almost lack of any vocals.Absolutely essential!
get it here
Following the post of their LP ,Calibrate ,here's their 1st tape.Excellent minimal synth with almost lack of any vocals.Absolutely essential!
Posted by
12:14 PM
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it's missing the first track of the tone set tape
anonymous:the 1st trck is an intruduction 30 " long and it's stucked with 2nd track out out!.
So good. Arizona really had some weird things going on at that time (I was one of the weird ones there).
I don't think Tone Set ever played live, though. At least they never came down to Tucson to play. They probably wouldn't have gotten a very warm reception if they had.
But anyway, this is for sure my favorite of all the local releases from that time period. I've loved this tape for over two decades (!!) now, and I'm really happy that you're turning others on to it.
It is great. Thank you.
wow. this was nice. thanks!
so so good
I did pee on myself...
dark... thanks for preserving!
I think they were somewhat ahead their time when it comes to sampling and using various vocal snippets.
Innovating, inspiring.
I wish I could say that a local band is behind this release, like princess sparkle pony can :)
I'm a little late to the party here, but re: Princess Sparkle Pony's comment, Tone Set did in fact play live. I saw them open for the Jetzons at Merlin's in Tempe. And no, sadly, they did not get a very good reception.
Does anyone know how to get ahold of the single they did'Pencil Factory'? I would love to hear that.
Help.. I just downloaded the Cal's Ranch file but my Mac says it doesn't know what to open it with. I've been wanting to have this album for a long time--aaahhhh!!
This is a classic! Thanks for sharing!!
I would like to point out Anonymous from May 10, 2007 is correct. Track one is missing. It is not attached to track two, mutantsound. The missing 30 seconds is a test tone; the type that would be heard on a video tape with color bars.
Any chance of including the missing track one?
I saw Tone Set play in a little bar in Scottsdale, AZ. They were the only act, played two sets and were a blast to dance to. I have the original tape in my collection. :)
Princess Sparkle Pony: If you only knew how depressed Galen was at the prospect of Tucson not being impressed by his project. As if.
Oh yeah... this is excellent...
I met Galen Herod and Greg Horn in 1982 when my band, The Method Actors, played in Tuscon. They came out to see us and hung out with us back stage. I was lucky enough to receive a then hot-off-the-press cassette of "Cal's Ranch," which I instantly loved.
I wore that tape out over the next decades, but still have my copy.
Was glad to find a digitized version here on the web, so now I can "wear out" the mp3's in my iTunes library!
I must say the music of the Tone Set holds up very well after 28 years. These guys were very crafty and clever with their use of samples from TV and old movies combined with danceable and catchy electro-hooks. The recording is very professional, and I'm surprised they didn't go on to find fame and fortune after such a brilliant debut.
"Cal's Ranch" is quite a wonderful little gem of a record and I am glad it is here in the digital realm for others to discover and enjoy.
yeah, Tone Set did play live. Only a few times in the Cal's Ranch period (all the 'vocals' were on reel to reel tqpe with leader between, so you had to cue them up and hit "play" on the beat. kinda hard to do when you're tryin to play the synth part too). By the time the vinyl record came out the backing stuff was on a 3-4" videotape synced with weird old film. Probly played out 8 or 10 times in that format. Just remastered Cal's Ranch (and tons of insane unreleased tracks) videos & live. let me know if yer interested.
hi input module,
very interested in the unreleased stuff you have!! please contact me at jcheon [at]
I know its a little late, but this is basically the same low bit rate files of this album floating around everywhere. Since this is pretty close to basically being lost for forever, is there a chance someone with a 320 quality rip of this might be willing to share it? It would be a shame if this album was lost forever.
Can you please re-post a new link? The file appears to be taken down. I'd really appreciate it.
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