Here’s the holy grail for Comelade collectors: his one-off collaboration on a punky minimal pop project called Fall of Saigon. Pascal plays synths and toy instruments on six tracks with Terry Den (guitar, voice) and Florence Berthon (voice). The music mixes retro rock with toy instruments, drum machines, and synths, something like the Young Marble Giants. Florence Berthon’s cool vocals have an alluring but distant tone similar to KaS Product’s Mona Soyoc.
Note: link removed as this has just been reissued by Gazul Records.
This record is great! I have heard this before and have always wondered what Comelade's deal was. What else has he done and where can I find it?
I always wanted to hear this! AGain with the gems. Mutant Sounds is the best thing ever...
awesome, thanks again msounds!
Francois says,
Thanx a Million Jim Mut, i'm a long time Comelade fan and one song pop out on a very good compilation of french avant shit call 30 year of musical agitation vol2, but this is Chrismas. I have a demand, More Ilitch or the band he had called Ruth: Album(Polaroid-Roman-Photo)1981
Keep up the Mission
Thanx Again for this one and all the music you reveal.
Fantastic! Thanks so much for turning me on to this.
Thanks for posting this, it's fantastic. Pascal Comelade is clearly a major talent and I'd never even heard of him before Mutant Sounds. We English speakers can be so provincial. More French music please.
FALL OF SAIGON 2011 GAZUL Records + 7 unheard tracks. Out now via Musea
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