Deep Freeze Mice - My geraniums are bulletproof ,LP,UK,1979

Credits from MOLE 1 - photocopied sleeve
Sherree Lawrence Alan Jenkins Graham Summers With Erica Stock: gongs Mick: backing vocals The first side was recorded at Rainbow Sound Studios, Nottingham (Eight track), and was engineered by Andy -----. All of the songs were written arranged and produced by us. The second side was recorded at the Leicester Polytechnic, Scraptoft music studio, Sherree's bedroom and Alan's bedroom; (on a cassette recorder). We also wrote, arranged and produced that. The entire opperation cost about #500, and we had 250 copies pressed. Please buy them. We want the money back. Mike and Graham are also members of the Leeds band "the Statics" 'if its worth doing, it's worth overdoing' Anyone know why Andy Croft's surname was obliterated from the engineering credits? Other Information Two inserts: 1. Photocopied sheet on coloured paper with graphics and lyrics for Emile Zola, My Geraniums are bulletproof , & Minstrel Radio Yoghurt Song lyrics published by Mole Embalming Records copyright 1979 etc. Emile Zola also appears in "french". "I vote conservative" was written in early July 1977 incidentally. Moreover "Emile Zola" was written late 1975, both songs having been performed by the Rushden group "Pus". gosh. 2. Photocopied sheet on coloured paper with graphic
Credits from MOLE 1 - regular sleeve
All tracks written, arranged and produced by the Deep Freeze Mice. Sherree Lawrence: piano etc. Alan Jenkins: guitar, bass, clarinet Graham Summers: drums etc. Erica Stock: gongs Mick Bunnage: backing vocals Andy Terry: engineer Special thanks to the Statics (the best Leeds group you haven't heard of) for providing Mick and Graham; and also to the maniac who faded both sides of this record without permission. This was recorded at Rainbow Sound in Nottingham, Leicester Polytechnic music department, and various bedrooms. Songs published by Cherry Red Sleeve by the Deep Freeze Mice with additional material by Chris Chapman. Photographs by the Deep Freeze Mice and a machine on the station.
Do not pay more than #6,000,000 for this record unless the bloody tory government gets in again.
Chocolate Mousse Serves one (Quantities can be multiplied for more servings) Ingredients: 1 oz. plain chocolate 1 teaspoon milk or water 1 egg, separated 1) Melt the chocolate slowly with the milk or water in a basin over pan of hot (not boiling) water, stirring to blend 2) Remove from the heat and beat in the egg yolk 3) Whisk egg white until stiff and carefully fold into chocolate Pour into a small dish and leave to cool 'if its worth doing, it's worth overdoing'
I think that's enough (for today:))
Thanks for this early look at Deep Freeze Mice (gernaniums). The NWW aesthetic can really be seen in this recording. Thanks for all of the deep NWW recordings you've made available for the first time. And like musicgnome, I didn't realize how many minimal synth bands exixted and how much I enjoyed the genre.
great start for a great band, thanks for uploading!
Hi, mutant sound. Your blog is perfect, i have discovered here music that made my life explote. I wanted to ask you if you could post the rest of the Deep Freeze Mice LPs, please.
Thanks a lot for all the great art you have posted. Keep it up!
Santiago, Chile.
Thanks a lot
you can buy this album, support the artist man
Great Band relly punkjunkypsychedelicocultlove!!!!
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