Achim Reichel-(Machines and Friends) Nachtmusik WDR 1973,Bootleg LP,1973+(with the Machines) AR3,LP,1973+Erholung,LP,1974,Germany

As requested!
Get AR3 here
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11:40 AM
All previous Vas Deferens Organization and related project posts on Mutant Sounds can be found below with new links.
this is a fabulous post!.. thanx for the effort and thoughtfulness posting it.. wonderful pre pro-tools layering.. a delight!! foxy
The WDR live recording is pure gold to a longtime A.R. fan like myself. It sounds like they were working out some of the pieces that would become the Autovision album. Thanks so much for sharing this.
Jim, this AR Machines triple post is very, very important to me. Thanks & all my love. Adam
Thank you so much for this post. I remember that i heard this broadcast when i was a child, but didn't have a tape recorder ! I love all the albums, which Achim did with the machines, very much. Great Stuff. Thanx again and ... rock on.
Love the group - looking forward to hearing the live album very much. Thanks
Thank you so much for this records, amazing stuff.
Thank you again.
The history of mathematics goes a long way back with devices and methods of calculation.
Machines Starting with the ancient Abacus, the slide rule and the logarithms, the mechanical calculating machines, the electromechanical calculators and finally the electronic computer.
I have upped a significant improved version on Dime by now.
Achim Reichel 1973-10-20 FM Nachtmusik im WDR - TRAP 05V2
As usual; excellent post. I am wondering if you'd be so kind as to provide Autovision, as that would complete my Reichel aural pleasure, and am finding it difficult to track down.
Regards, T
I was skeptical about the sound quality before downloading this, but I have to say it's pretty darn good! And the set is amazing. Highly recommended (for those wondering)!
Thanks for posting.
Thanx a lot!
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