Heiner Goebbels/Alfred 23 Harth- Der Durchdrungene Mesnch / Indianer fûr Morgen,LP,1981,Germany

A classic!
get it here
Posted by
11:03 AM
All previous Vas Deferens Organization and related project posts on Mutant Sounds can be found below with new links.
Every bit as massive as you said it was. Thsnks for access to music I would never have heard.
really lloking forward to hearing this
links failed!! mass mirror is crap
And with Dagmar Krause too...
Really outstanding stuff here!
Etron Fou Leloublanc would certainly jam with them too.
Thanks for making me discover this gem and THANKS AGAIN for all the rest...
This is fantastic, thank you.
Any chance of more Goebbels/Harth? Frankfurt-Peking, or Zeit Wird Knapp, maybe?
Gracias! :D
Más Heiner Goebbels por favor!
Any Chance of a Re-Up? Please.
Greetz from Berlin
Please re-post. Thanks!
if you could re-post would be very excellent
we thank you,
le'Artimus Project
for those too antsy to wait
(via http://zerogsounds.blogspot.com)
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