Deep Freeze Mice-I love you litle BoBo with your delicate golden lions, 2LP, UK,1984

Side 1 (Orange)Something else instead (3.29)
I love you little Bobo with your delicate golden lions (0.53)
Why do you squeak? (2.02)
Most people aren't fit to live part one (0.57)
Entropy of cubes (1.03)
Most people aren't fit to live part two (2.53)
Polanski's dog (2.47)
Twenty three exceptions (1.34)
O.P. 1 (0.20)
O.P. 2 (0.03)
Who's afraid of humans ? (4.39)
Side 2 (Yellow)(24.55)
Side 3 (Lemon)
A trillion sprods (13.23)
a) The dalmation b ) Natural forces c) 186,000 endings per second (4.19)
Thunderbirds (3.32)
Side 4 (Cream)This is terrible (3.24)
All through summer (2.53)
Zoology (2.25)
Whose afraid of humans? (reprise) (0.51)
Roget's thesaurus (3.27)
A motor throbbed above the rim of the brush (3.44)
A trillion sprods (version) (3.03)
Sherree Lawrence: organ, piano vocals Michael Bunnage: bass, lead guitar on 'Trillion Sprods (version)' Peter Gregory: drums Alan Jenkins: vocals guitar and also John Grayland: trumpet, euphonium, oric programs (OP1+OP2) Andrew Nicholls: Alto sax Paul Devlin: cello side two Mark Orphan: double bass side two Ricky Willson: engineering Neil Stout: engineering (side two) David Wells: editting
Recorded at Barkby Road and Neil's studio, Leicester, in between October 1983 and April 1984 (in about 8 days). Produced by the Mice and Ricky Willson All songs by the Deep Freeze Mice....... Published by Octagonal Rabbit Music 1984
Do i have to say more?????????/
Many thanks for posting this! I used to buy a lot from Cordelia Records, but missed this DFM album. I never thought I'd hear it!
Thanks so much whoever is behind this blog, the the Deep Freeze Mice/Chrysanthemums are like the perfect synthesis of everything i love about music, homemade, experimental, progressive, psychedelic eclectic pop brilliance! They should have been massive, but why toy with fate? Thanks a thousand times for sharing these albums. jp xxx
hi.i'v happend to have two of the same record (the first) of this anyone by chans happend to have two of the other record,and wants to make a change?
(that would be fantastic!)
The colours after the side numbers, by the way, refer to the colours of the labels of the original pressing which were otherwise identical. (Just in case anybody thought there was a more metaphysical concept behind it.)
what a Great Band!
real cool blog
reup of this album possible?
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