Holy toy-Warszawa LP+Soldier toy 12",Norway/Poland ,1982

Sorry no pic scan of the 12",any help appreciated!
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2:43 PM
All previous Vas Deferens Organization and related project posts on Mutant Sounds can be found below with new links.
Warsawa LP released with booklet in Norway and with printed innersleeve in England. Warsawa later on Sonet CD reissue series, thats right. Also released in Poland on CD. Holy Toy has released a lot of alums and two 12" and finaly a video called Hoax. There is also some cassette bootlegs around.
When is a solo project for Lars Pedersen. The first drummer/percussionist in Holy Toy. He has been in and out of the band so many times that i guess he has lost track f his appearences with Holy Toy.
Moe info on Holy Toy here; http://home.online.no/~movidar/discographies/holytoy.html
Sleeve here
Thanks for download.
CD reissue with all the four 12" singles/LP included in one remastered CD is out on May. 11. 2009
How could I have forgotten this classic 12 Inch. I loved this when it came out here in England in 1983 if memory serves. I was listening to a lot of German bands at the time : Xmal-Deutscheland/Malaria/EN etc & this seemed to fit into the sonic library perfectly...thanks for the anamnesis (a concept from Plato which seems to perfectly sum up what this blog is all about on one level). Thanks again.
Thanx a lot!
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