Tomaz Pengov, is an acoustic guitar player and singer/songwriter from Ljubljana, Slovenia. He recorded his first album Odpotovanja in 1973, reissued in 1981 in stereo. The original mono edition is very rare now. Pengov sings and plays 12 string guitar and lute. His music is original, the closest comparison is perhaps early Leonard Cohen. He took eight years (from 1980 to 1988) to record his second album, Pripovedi, recorded with guest musicians. The music is still acoustic, but more varied. Later in the 1990s, he recorded two more albums, "Rimska cesta"(1992) and "Biti tu"(1995).
A fantastic and very rare acid/psych folk LP!
Slovenian Acid Folk? Umm, yes please!!!! Considering the source, I'd give any of your suggestions a whirl.
Would LOVE to hear the back story on how you happened upon this one.
Hi again Mutant Sounds!
Thank you so much for everything!
One thing I did want to mention is that Track #10 of Tomaz Pengov- Odpotovanja, LP,1973, Slovenia seems to be corrupt in the RAR file. Track 10 caled "Oce" won't play.
In the meantime, here is more music for you and your fans...
RARE La Monte Young:
Day of the Holy Mountain, Part 1:
http://rapidshare.com/files/13276855/2_IV_64_-_Day_of_the_Holy_Mountain__Part_1.RAR [88.1MB]
Day of the Holy Mountain, Part 2:
http://rapidshare.com/files/13271409/2_IV_64_-_Day_of_the_Holy_Mountain__Part_2.RAR [32.3MB]
Trio For Strings
http://rapidshare.com/files/13258299/Trio_For_Strings.RAR [70.9MB]
I uploaded these myself for you!
Enjoy! And thank you again for such great music and thank you very, very much for your extreme generosity!
thank you very much musicgnome!i'll check pengov track ten and fix the problem if i can
hi friend,
greeeeeeaaaat tunes you have been putting up--by far one of the BEST music blogs. anyhoo, i tried to download this album four times, and i think the file is corrupt. it will not even convert from RAR. just FYI.
sorry for this...i will re-upload the file tonight and give you new link
this is amazing. is there any hope of "pripovedi" or the 90s albums turning up on mutant sounds?
wow this album really is a diamond in the rough... so beautiful!!
only wish i could know the lyrics....i must look!!
thank you so much!!!
This is great, many thanks
Thanks!! Very Great Acoustic Songs!!!
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